Sunday, February 08, 2009

Polis terbaik di dunia ; siapa derhaka ..siapa murka...

Historically, before the existence of Malaysia, the Malay States fell into the hands of the imperialists due to greed and power. It was about the power struggle amongst the royalty which eventually led to the colonisation of the States.

Pre-Merdeka, with the emergence of the insurgencies by the left, a “deal” was struck among the capitalists, the royalty, the royalists and the imperialists with the sole purpose of maintaining and guarding “their” positions and influence in Malaya. The collateral outcome of the “deal” was the independence of Malaya. It was a decision motivated by the need to protect and safeguard the vested interests of these actors. It was not about the rakyat. It has never been!

Fast forward 52 years after independence, we see how the same actors have again colluded to stage a modern day “coup” in the State of Perak. Again this was not done in the interests of the rakyat. Those who have heard about the true colours and the personality/ies of the various decision-maker(s) will not be surprised by the recent decision(s).

Ultimately, one important question that needs to be answered is “what’s in it for me?”. That was the question that Pakatan Rakyat could not answer.

No doubt there are several legal and moral issues that have arisen from the Perak fiasco. But the real issue that irks the rakyat is the fact that the capitalists and the royalty have robbed the State government from the rakyat.

Regarding the legality of the Sultan’s decision to call for the resignation of the Menteri Besar (MB), I am prepared to say that the decision is wrong in law. Based on the Perak Constitution, the MB does not hold office at the pleasure of the Sultan.

The only way the MB goes is by way of a no-confidence motion in the State Legislative Assembly. The Sultan cannot just ask MB to vacate his office.

Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution states that:
If the Menteri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then, unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council.

The question then is: who decides whether the MB ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the State Legislative Assembly? Should it be the Sultan or the State Legislative Assembly? How and where should such issues be decided?

The answers to these questions are obvious. Matters of grave importance that affect the interests of the State should be decided in the hall of the State Legislative Assembly, NOT along the corridors or halls of the palace.

The next question then is: who holds the majority at the State Legislative Assembly?
To answer this question, one must first ascertain the status of the three so-called “independent” members who have tendered their resignations. There is a dispute in relation to their status as members of the State Legislative Assembly. Their views therefore should not be taken into account until their status have been definitely resolved.

Against this background, how can anyone say that the Barisan Nasional commands the majority?
Some have replied saying that since the Election Commission (EC) did not recognise the resignation letters of the three “independent” members, therefore they are still members of the State Legislative Assembly.

This throws up the further question whether the EC has the power and jurisdiction to adjudicate on the status of the resignations.

From the legal perspective, the EC has exceeded its jurisdiction. There is nothing under the Election Commission Act 1957 and the Elections Act 1958 that confers power to the EC to adjudicate on such matters. Consequently, the EC’s decision on this matter is ultra vires and is of no effect. Unless the decision by the Speaker to declare the seats vacant is set aside or overturned by a court of law, the EC must accept the decision of the Speaker. However, we have witnessed how the EC has facilitated the “coup” by disregarding the Speaker’s decision.

Levaing aside the legal questions - on desirability - in view that the current political scenario in Perak is fragile and uncertain, coupled with the fact that there is no guarantee there will not be any further and sudden defections that may affect the composition of the State Legislative Assembly, the best decision to make is to have dissolved the State Legislative Assembly.
Unfortunately, wisdom may not be the virtue of some.

Who will benefit from this episode? The “decision-makers”? Those who “orchestrated” the situation?

Unless the question of “what’s in it for me?” is fully answered, then no one will receive the truth.
The State of Perak was robbed by the capitalists and the monarchy.

The fate of the State should not lie in the hands of allegedly corrupted politicians and a Sultan. It should be in the hands of the rakyat! Let the people of Perak decide the fate of their State through fresh elections.

For the record, I am not a monarchist or a royalist. I have little admiration for slogans such as “Daulat Tuanku” and the related “mumbo-jumbo”. Some may say that this article and the fact that I am doubting the wisdom of the Sultan of Perak may be construed as an act of “derhaka” (disloyalty). As far as I am concerned the issue of “menderhaka” does not arise.
And my reply is “derhaka terhadap siapa?”. Can I “derhaka” towards an institution that I don’t believe in? Can I “derhaka” towards an institution that ignores the will of the rakyat?

It is apt for us to be reminded of what Hang Jebat once said:

Jangan! Jangan sembah aku. Aku bukan gila disembah. Aku bukan sebagai Sultan
Melaka yang mengagung-agungkan pangkat dan kebesarannya. Aku Jebat, rakyat
biasa. Pangkat aku untuk kepentingan rakyat. Bergerak aku untuk membuat jasa
kepada rakyat, dan aku rela mati untuk rakyat.. kerana aku mahu keadilan,
keadilan. Keadilan...

The time is ripe for a revolution.

So are you game?
Salam revolusi!

This article is dedicated to those who protested in defiance of the Sultan of Perak today.

tulisan ini oleh salah seorang pewaris CHE' di bumi ini

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum,

    Saya sentiasa mengikuti politik negara, samada melalui medium Pakatan ataupun yang pro BN & kali ini saya cuba meluahkan pandangan saya melalui blog, kalau sebelum ini dgn kawan2 ada la.

    Pada pandangan saya keputusan Sultan Perak amat bijaksana,

    1. Ketika PRU12 baginda telah membuat keputusan untuk Pakatan Rakyat memerintah sedangkan Pakatan Rakyat sebenarnya masih belum didaftarkan sebagai pertubuhan yang sah mengikut undang2, gabungan (PAS,PKR & DAP) diwujudkan hanya ketika PRU12 tanpa didaftarkan mengikut undang2.
    2. Baginda sebenarnya berhak dari segi undang2 utk mengistiharkan BN sebagai pemerintah walaupun dgn minoriti (Terdengar juga BN cuba meminta baginda berbuat demikian)tetapi dgn kebijaksanaan baginda ia tidak berlaku & BN menerima hakikat mereka sebagai pembangkang di Perak & tiada sebarang demontrasi dicetuskan yg boleh menggugat keselamatan negara.

    3. Apabila 3 ADUN Pakatan telah keluar menjadi BEBAS serta menyatakan sokongan kepada BN maka baginda dgn kebijaksanaan baginda sekali lagi telah memanggil semua ADUN & mendengar sendiri pengakuan mereka & majoriti berpihak kepada BN. Jadi apa perlunya IR Nizar berkeras tidak meletak jawatan MB & memanggil mesyuarat exco utk undi tidak percaya sedangkan semua ADUN telah menyatakan pendirian masing2 & dan sekali lagi ditegaskan majoriti memihak BN walaupun pelbagai spekulasi menyatakan BN "merasuah" ketiga2 ADUN yg melompat itu dan sebagainya. Saya bukan utk menyatakan disini "matlamat menghalalkan cara" tetapi selalunya Pakatan akan cuba menarik perhatian rakyat dgn mewujudkan spekulasi begini termasuklah membuatkan rakyat membenci polis yang turut menjaga keselamatan mereka sekeluarga tetapi tiada bukti & bila mereka menang dalam sesuatu isu / pilihanraya semua itu akan tenggelam.


    4. Bagi saya baginda tahu negara didalam krisis ekonomi global termasuklah ribuan pekerja kilang yang telah & akan dibuang kerja & tidak seperti krisis 1998, krisis kali ini dijangka benar2 dirasai rakyat bawahan & lebih panjang kerana sektor perkilangan paling teruk terjejas termasuk Singapura yang dulunya tidak terlalu merasa tempias krisis 1998. Ini tak termasuk krisis makan dunia & kenaikan harga minyak dunia yang lalu & tiba2 turun pulak mengejut ditambah pulak PM Pak Lah yang cepat melatah dgn turut menaikkan harga minyak di Malaysia dgn mendadak terus barang2 naik & susah dah nak turun.( Org kerja kerajaan kalau tak tau bersyukur tak tahu la sekurang2 nya masih dapat gaji bulan2 samada krisis atau tidak & utk simpanan hari tua dah ada pencen membantu ), yang kerja swasta macamana..??
    5. Jadi baginda dgn bijaksana tidak membubarkan DUN Perak & kerajaan tidak perlu membazirkan duit mengadakan pilihanraya samada hanya di DUN yg melompat katak tu atau negeri keseluruhannya. Bagi saya 1 pilihanraya negeri mungkin akan menyebabkan duit dibazikan mungkin mencecah RM 100juta untuk SPR/POLIS termasuklah duit yang cuba dilaburkan BN kepada Perak dalam keadaan tergesa2 tanpa perancangan yang teliti kerana nak memancing undi @ Pakatan pun takkan nak buat semua persiapan pilihanraya mereka "free" sudah tentu banyak jugak duit yang akan dibazirkan sedangkan PRU13 hanya kurang dari 4 tahun.
    6. Lagipun sekiranya pilihanraya negeri tetap diadakan & katakan keputusannya masih hampir sama spt PRU12 dimana BN atau Pakatan hanya berjaya dgn majoriti kecil tidak lebih 3 undi & lepas 2, 3 bulan ada pulak ADUN yang melompat tak ke lagi serabut dibuatnya...duit dah berjuta habis buat pilihanraya yang sepatutnya Pakatan rakyat bersabar & sekiranya tsunami politik ini berterusan mereka pasti akan dapat memerintah Perak dengan majoriti yang lebih kuat malah mungkin berjaya menubuhkan kerajaan pusat pada PRU13 nanti. PAS & DAP sebagai parti yang telah lama wujud & masih tetap dengan ideologi mereka pasti boleh bersabar. Tapi nampaknya DSAI & parti PKR nya seperti dah tak sabar. Kalau dulu (PRU12) kelihatan PKR lah yang berjaya membuatkan Pakatan menang besar tapi nampaknya sekarang kelihatan PKR lah yang telah menghancurkan gabungan ini. Sebab berita terkini menyatakan Karpal singh pun dah naik meluat kat DSAI & mahu beliau letak jawatan ketua pembangkang.

    6. Kepada IR Nizar...ingatlah titah Sultan Perak seperti yang jugak ditulis dalam harakah supaya ""Inna-Allah ha ma'a sobirin,", beliau masih muda & Insya-Allah jika beliau benar2 ikhlas dalam perjuangan pasti kejayaan akan ada, tapi jika beliau tetap berkeras terus "menderhaka" kepada Sultan pasti beliau akan dikenang dalam sejarah malaysia moden sebagai "penderhaka" terutama dikalangan orang melayu kerana tidak seperti Hang Jebat yang membuat keputusan menderhaka secara bersendirian tetapi IR Nizar kelihatan menderhaka disebalik pengaruh DAP & PKR.

    7. Kepada rakyat Perak bersabarlah & buat pertimbangan sewajarnya kerana lebih baik kita hidup dgn aman dan biarkan pemimpin kita samada BN atau Pakatan tidak terlalu memikirkan tentang politik sebaliknya bersama2 cuba berfikir menyelesaikan masalah crisis ekonomi utk memastikan rakyat tidak terlalu merasa tempiasnya.
    PRU13 nanti buatlah keputusan. Perlembagaan dah jelas nak tak nak kurang dari 4 tahun lagi PRU 13 kena buat jugak. kalau negara dah kacau bilau apa yang kita dapat. Kepada kaum cina yang memang kebanyakkan berniaga pasti tak mahu ini berlaku. Kepada yang terlalu ahli2 parti yang terlalu taksub berpolitik nak buat macam mana, ingat sama masa depan diri & anak2 kita nanti.

