Sunday, January 04, 2009

Anwar Iktiraf HAMAS

Munirah Hayati menanyakan:

Saya berpendapat, selain dari sejarah keganasan Zionis yg sudah berzaman, mutakhir ini US & Israel merasa terancam kerana Hamas menjadi pilihan rakyat melalui pilihanraya di palestin pada 2006 @ 2007 kalau saya tidak silap.

US tidak mengiktiraf Hamas kerana katanya Hamas adalah pertubuhan ‘teroris’

Now, based on history any reasonable and fair-minded person will realise, when they look beyond the propaganda line - the Zionists are a much much bigger ‘terrorist’ than Hamas, which is a small, very powerless group of people fighting for their own ‘right of return’ & ‘liberation of Al-Aqsa’

You, Anwar Ibrahim - has been part of the Annapolis Summit in November 2007 - clearly in support of America and their denouncement of Hamas.

I wish i can understand why you decided to be part of that. News report from AlJazeera now link the current offensive (i call it genocide & massacre by terrorist Zionist) as a result of careful planning and years of “peaceful negotiation” by US and other countries in summits that are not attended by the legitimate government of the people of Palestine.

I pray to Allah every hands that go into the planning of the current massacre will justly be cursed in this life & the next



Saudari Munirah,

Saya kurang pasti siapa yang sasau menyebar dakyah sebegini dengan dendam kesumat sademikian. Mungkin hasil latihan fitnah BTN!

Secara konsisten saya menggesa pengiktirafan ke atas HAMAS dan menegur pimpinan UMNO-BN kerana mengenepikan wakil HAMAS di Kuala Lumpur. Saya tidak pernah menyentuh apa lagi mendukung Annapolis Summit.


(petikan dari


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Tahniah !!!

    perlu penjelasan seperti ini banyak benar yang kata kononya DSAI tak berani nyatakan sokong hamas sebab pro amerika...
    tapi nah buktinya

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    biasalah manusia 2 wajah...

  3. Anwar lidah bercabang, setakat nafikan sape2 buleh buat apatah lagi anwar, siap boleh tuduh org lain yang buat pulak..

    PRU12 dulu, kalau bukan US kasi duit berjuta-juta sape lagi? tokey babi sepang ke??

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Kj agen yahudi jual negara....

    sapa nak debat ?

  5. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Kudin kerbau,
    Org nogori memang tak guno, hampeh!!

    Hensem Bonar
