Kenyataan Umum
14 November 2015
14 November 2015
#PrayForParis - SAMM Kecam Insiden Serangan
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) kesal dan mengutuk insiden serangan di kota Paris, Peranchis yang mengakibatkan ratusan orang awam terbunuh. SAMM mengucapkan takziah kepada seluruh kaum keluarga mangsa yang terbunuh dan cedera dalam insiden tersebut.
SAMM menggesa dunia untuk menilai semula sikap terhadap masyarakat Islam di seluruh pelusuk dunia pasca 9/11. Gerakan-gerakan Islamophobia yang subur selepas itu akhirnya telah mengheret reaksi ganas daripada sekelompok Muslim walaupun Islam sememangnya menolak kekerasan dan keganasan.
Peranchis sendiri berdepan dengan keadaan institusi kerajaan yang tidak kondusif bagi masyarakat Muslimnya. Bukanlah satu rahsia bagaimana masyarakat Muslim di sana di layan seperti Alien sedangkan Peranchis merupakan negara antara yang teramai Muslim di Eropah. Sepatutnya Peranchis meneroka jalan perdamaian, persefahaman dan perpaduan di kalangan rakyatnya selepas sahaja insiden Charlie Hebdo berlaku awal tahun ini.
Dalam perkembangan yang sama, Amerika Syarikat juga mempunyai peranan dalam membenihkan gejala pengganas di seluruh dunia. Amerika Syarikat adalah punca tertubuhnya tentera-tentera mujahidin hanya untuk memenuhi keinginan Amerika Syarikat meruntuhkan Kesatuan Soviet dan menguasai dunia. Kini, dunia terpaksa berdepan dengan kesan dahsyat dosa-dosa Amerika Syarikat ini.
Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), Persidangan Negara-Negara Islam (OIC) dan seluruh dunia harus berhenti sejenak, merenung kembali dan mencari jalan untuk menghentikan semua kegilaan ini. Sama ada Islamophobia mahupun reaksi ganas Muslim, ia harus dihentikan segera. Kita perlu mengembalikan keamanan dan keharmonian, dan menyebarluaskan kasih sayang antara satu sama lain, bukannya kebencian dan prejudis.
Ahmad Anwar Asyraf
Pengarah Pemikir Muda
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
Pengarah Pemikir Muda
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
Media Statement
November 14, 2015
Media Statement
November 14, 2015
#PrayForParis - SAMM Urged To Restore Peace and Harmony
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) condemned the attack on the city of Paris, France, which resulted in hundreds of civilians succumb to this horrific tragedy. Our first thought goes to the victims, the injured, their families, and friends. To them and to everyone, our deepest condolences and the testimony of our sympathy.

SAMM also urged the world to reassess our attitude towards the Muslim community around the world in the aftermath of 9/11. The Islamophobia that evolved after 9/11 has finally triggered the violent reaction from certain quarters of Muslims. All parties must put a serious effort and commitment to bring peace and harmony throughout the globe.
The France Government's institutions itself also plays a major part to put an end on this issue. France should provide the Muslim community a conducive enviroment, at the same time ensure the people's safety regardless their religion.
The Muslim community in France should not be treated as an alien object of analysis. As the largest Muslim population in Western Europe, France should explore how to bring peace, understanding and solidarity among its citizens especially after the Charlie Hebdo's incident occurred earlier this year.
Meanwhile, the United States also played major role in creating terrorists around the world. Hillary Clinton's testimony clearly stated that United States has funded the formation of Mujahideen in order to topple the Soviet Union and to dominate the world. Now, the world has to faced the consequences of their sins.
The United Nations (UN), the Conference of Islamic Countries (OIC) and the rest of the world should find a way to stop all this madness. Whether Islamophobia or violent Muslim's reaction, it must stopped immediately. We should restore peace and harmony, and spread love towards each other not hatred and prejudice.
Ahmad Anwar Asyraf
Pemikir Muda SAMM
Pemikir Muda SAMM
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