However as the days went by it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the hushed talk here about the involvement of at least one very highly placed politician. Try a Google search regarding the murder and inevitably the same name, that of Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Najib Abdul Razak keeps popping up. What has Najib got to do with the romance and the murder? Did he too have an affair with Altantuya? It wouldn't be the first time, if you get my drift. Or did he 'facilitate' the removal of the model with his considerable influence? These are perhaps the two main questions on everyone's mind.
Now we also see a lot of pressure coming from Mongolia. Recently a group of 45 Mongolian non-government organisations issued a statement, expressing concern that "the real criminals who ordered the crime may escape justice while the physical performers of the crime become scapegoats". Now what is one to make of that kind of sweeping claim? And mind you they used the plural - criminals. Altantuya's father, Setev Shaariibuu who was here during mention of the case said, "this is an international case, this is a brutal murder. It (the trial) was all about releasing him, all about his family, and his background ... I hope justice will be served." On top of that The Mongolian PM has asked for updates of the trial.
Early in the case, Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi promised there would be no cover-up, but the Government has since refused to comment, saying the case is before the court.
That has not stopped opposition politicians. In Parliament, Karpal Singh of the Democratic Action Party has claimed the C4 explosives could only have been found in the Defence Ministry.
"So what was the link of the Defence Ministry (with the case)?" he reportedly asked Parliament this month. "Why was Altantunya's body exploded? Was she pregnant? Are the police afraid to investigate because it involved a highly placed minister?"
Another opposition politician, Syed Husin Ali of the People's Justice Party, said: "Should the Government continue to be silent, rumours will spread even further and will eventually be accepted as the truth by the public." The trial is expected to begin January 5th next 2007.
So things are going to hot up next month when the trial proper starts.
1) Altantuya Murder: Case Fixed For Mention On Jan 5
2) Lawyers Engage In Verbal Spat Over Cops' Counsel
Today it appears in the news again. Another multi ringgit bail. Trying to escape the law ? Trying to sweep everything under the carpet ? Even if there was an affair, even if there was a pregnancy, did Aminah bte Abdullah deserve to be blown up ? It is beyond the conscience of human beings to carry that act out. It is bad enough to murder her. But to have her body blown to bits ? A human body is created by Allah. What is so important that Allah's creation had to be destroyed ? Justice has to be served. Malaysians do not need evil people to manage the country. If Aminah's body can be blown up, what about other people ?
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