Saturday, November 30, 2019

Papan Kenyataan Umum


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Blogging From a War Zone
    TMCnet CRM Alert Columnist Whether you happen to think the MSM is doing a biased job reporting the news from Iraq or not, if they're choosing to focus only on the negative and giving short shrift to positive ...
    Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see my marketplace related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.

  2. Hi Chegu Bad! Keep blogging.....feel free to drop by my blog too. Lawan Tetap Lawan!

  3. a'kum che gu bard ... saya ni baru la kenai che gu.. sebelum ni tak berapa kenai. ok ... selamat lah berjuang ... (laman ni kosong lagi)

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    The interview with prolific young writer, Hasmi Hashim on the issue of "Muhammad Caricature" has been published in:

    He has blaimed some of politician who trying to get advantage on the Muslim sentiment, including the leaders of the major party of Pas, Umno and also Keadilan.

    Check it out now!!!

  5. Anonymous6:13 PM

    assalammualaikum brade che gubard..saya mewakili suaraanakmuda malaysia ingin meminta sokongan dan dorongan dari

  6. Bad,

    Aku terbaca berita kau ditangkap dan sudah lepas. baguslah. tak tahulah aku apa akan jadi pada Malaysia kalau tak ada orang seperti hang?

    kalau free, silalah linkkan kepada



  7. Bad,

    Aku baca Malaysiakini hari tu, hang kena tangkap lagi?

    Aku akan sokong hang untuk jadi Presiden Malaysia yang pertama!! Asalkan hang tak lupa perjanjian kita untuk memerdekakan ........

    Ha ha..

  8. Anonymous4:41 PM

    chegubard..... kau nie memang best le creative.....

    program lain dr yang lain....

    tabik spring !!!!!!!!!!

  9. apakah kita tidak boleh jalan sendirian

  10. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Salam Reformasi
    Salam Perjuangan

  11. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Salam Sejahtera

    Chegubard yang dihormati. Tdak perlu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada saya yang lemah ini kerana adalah satu kebanggaan dan penghargaan untuk saya menambah seorang yang begitu hebat seperti Chegubard dalam blog saya.

    Saya sebenarnya sudah lama mendengar banyak cerita dan pujian mengenai chegubard. Cuma saya masih belum dijodohkan untuk menemui lawan blog perjuangan adalah perlaksaan kata-kata yang begitu unggul.

    Teruskan perjuangan anda.

    Salam perjuangan!
    Salam hormat

  12. assalamualaikum cikgu.... [ramai-ramai]. hehe.:)

  13. bad. dah abis baca goblog? kalo dah abis, jgn lupa review/ulas goblog tu okeh. dan letak ulasan tu kat blog nih. kasi promote skit sambil review.hehe.:P

  14. erm hehehee belum...habis baca

    ok isnyaAllah saya akan review...

  15. Anonymous10:57 PM

    teruskan perjuangan kamu !!! dirimu adalah seorang yang hebat !


  16. Yer...terima kasih atas segala komen... kepada shenyeeaun... saya janji akan terus berjuang

  17. Anonymous10:26 PM

    jangan putus asa. jangan lemah semangat. kita harus bertambah kuat untuk memperbetul apa yang tidak betul.

    pemimpin yang berkarisma dan semangat juang tinggi seperti kamu harus terus bertambah hebat dari masa ke masa.

    salam perjuangan

  18. terima kasih...atas motivasi tersebut... saya kini duya hari di terengganu...untuk program motivasi politik dan ceramah... juga jumpa teman-teman lama dari maktab yang pulang ke terengganu kerana cuti sekolah

  19. Anonymous6:10 AM

    sorry ... anak buah abang'bard, nasib baik tak cakap buah buah abang 'bard

  20. Anonymous4:43 PM


    Jangan tunduk kepada ujian yang kecil sebegini. Perjuangan mesti diteruskan. Seperti yang kau sedia maklum, PKR bukan satu-satunya wadah untuk berjuang. Berjuanglah atas nama apa pun yang penting jangan undur dari melawan musuh sebenar.

    Kita perlukan keberanian anak muda dan darah untuk membuat perubahan. Biarkanlah orang-orang yang gila jawatan terus dengan permainan politik dalaman. Kau tak perlu semua itu. Dari dulu aku dah cakap, PKR tak cukup cool untuk tarik budak-budak muda untuk join. Baguslah kau sekarang dah bebas dari politik kepartian. Kuatkan Gerakan "Civil Society"!!!
    Mantapkan GERAK.

    Jangan Undur!!!!

  21. Salam Sejahtera ,

    Satu isu yang amat besar perlukan DSAI dan YB , Ahli Pembangkang, Parti pembangkang untuk berjuang mempertahankan rakyat jelata yang sudah malang lagi ditindas. Dengar kata mangsa banjir perlu bayar sejumlah wang kepada tentera sekiranya mahu diselamatkan. Ada juga ura-ura yang mengatakan bantuan dihulurkan mengikut kaum. Ada juga yang mengatakan hanya bukan melayu yang dicaj. Ada juga yang mengatakan ada tentera yang pada mulanya buka mulut RM 4000 dan selepas itu tawar menawar sehingga rm 400. Mangsa tersebut yang miskin fakir terpaksa pinjam wang untuk menyelamatkan. Kini saya tidak cukup bukti. Oleh itu perlukan DSAI bersama NGO dan parti pembangkang turun ke bawah dan cari bukti.

    Biar kita perlu berdemonstrasi dan turun ke Johor pun tidak apa. Ini merupakan satu isu yang sangat kronik. Isu ini berkaitan dengan rasuah , salah guna kuasa , nyawa dan keselamatan manusia dan berbau perkauman. Ekploitasi peluang ini dan binasakan BN di Johor dan Melaka sekiranya Kementerian Pertahanan dan orang terlibat tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan dengan baik. Kalau petisyen untuk
    menentang tindakan manusia yang tidak berhati perut ini diperlukan maka laksanakan.

    MP Suputeh Teresa Kok kini sedang berjuang untuk mangsa tersebut. Apa yang menjadi lebih malang ialah Surat Khabar Melayu dan Inggeris tiada berita ini .Berita ini perlu digemparkan untuk menunjukkan salah guna kuasa dan gejala yang begitu teruk ini. Banyak lagi rakyat Malaysia tidak tahu termasuk diri saya masih ingin mencari lebih banyak bukti dan sumber untuk lebih lantang bersuara menentang. Perkara ini perlu disiasat dan digemparkan serta dijadikan alat menjelang pilihan raya akan datang.

    Isu yang berkaitan dengan nyawa manusia tidak boleh kita pandang rendah. Kalau setakat rasuah dan salah guna kuasa masih tidak seteruk memperjudikan nyawa manusia !!!!

    Kita perlu buat segala yang perlu untuk mendapatkan keadilan bagi mangsa yang terlibat. Suruh kerajaan bayar pampasan. Selain daripada isu ini. Ada juga ura-ura mengatakan money distribution kepada mangsa banjir juga diedarkan dengan tidak adil mengikut kaum. Isu ini belum ada orang yang membuat bising tetapi boleh disiasat dan suruh orang yang bertanggungjawab tampil ke hadapan dan memberi penjelasan. Isu ini berkaitan dengan rasuah , penyelewengan dan juga perkauman.

    Diharapkan kita dapat siasat. Dapatkan lebih banyak sumber dan maklumat. Lepas itu kita binasakan orang-orang yang terlibat termasuk penjelasan yang baik daripada Kementerian Pertahanan serta orang yang terlibat dalam menyalurkan wang bantuan kepada mangsa.

    Sesiapa yang ada maklumat sila email kepada saya. Saya akan perbesarkan isu ini.


  22. selamat pengantin baru!

  23. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Bujang lagi rupanya!

  24. salam tuan blog,

    slmt pengantin baru.
    teruskan perjuanganmu 'lawan tetap lawan'

    sahabatmu 'reformis lumpuh'

  25. terima kasih.... sdr. kassim selamat dan teman2 yg lain dijemput dtg erk

  26. Anonymous7:29 PM

    cik gu bad...mohon maaf..time cikgu kawin saya tak leh pegi sebab kene balik ke kedah..

    apa pon SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU Hero Baru Gerakan Reformasi Gelombang ke 3!!!!

    p/s minum bebyk tongkat ALI

  27. kutu ni selalu mai sini, tapi tak penah kata apa-apa sebab takut tak masuk stesen..

    Tapi bila Cik Gu kawin, izinkan kutu ni ucapkan selamat pengantin baru!

  28. Anonymous11:25 AM

    sambung pelajaran yang ditawarkan

  29. Anonymous8:35 PM

    cikgu bard nih ade kat korea ker???
    tak penah nampak pon...
    jemput2 la mai umah...kite sembang sikit...

  30. Bad, sekali lagi diingatkan bahawa menggunakan huruf kecil untuk Bangladesh adalah seperti menghina negara itu. Kau letak semua negara dalam huruf besar kecuali Bangladesh.Kalau kau masih tak tukar, Sabtu ni aku akan bertemu dengan Migrant Workers Union di Seoul dan adukan perkara ini kepada mereka.

  31. Anonymous7:45 PM

    incik bard,

    dtg korea nih tujuan ape erk??bkn ker nk blaja ker? kalo takat nk sertai perhimpunan kat area2 gwanghwamun tu balik msia lg elok aa..

  32. Anonymous3:04 AM

    salam ....

    sila rujuk apa bidang pengajian che'GuBard tu biar paham....

  33. Anonymous3:06 AM

    sepaham saya dia dapat biasiswa penuh dari badan bukan kerajaan di Korea kerana terpilih sebagai pelajar terbaik Gwangju Asia Human right folks school... terpilih antara aktivis muda HR terbaik di asia

  34. Anonymous4:06 PM

    lagi satu soalan yg terbaik ialah:

    kita belajar ni akhirnya ilmu tu nak campak ke mana ya?

    nak besarkan tembolok ke untuk rakyat termasuk kita?

    dok sembang yg org habiskan duit dgn ikut demonstrasi tapi bila ada org yg berkuasa perabis duit besarkan tembolok dgn CARA YANG SALAH kita diam la pulak..

    belajar tinggi2 tapi bodoh dan penakut pun jadi bertingkat2 gak?

  35. Anonymous8:15 PM

    salam wahai che'Gubard yang berada jauh dirantauan...

    kami masih menunggu keputusan che'GuBard sama ada mahu bertanding untuk jawatan ketua AMK.... kami dari permatang pauh sudah mencalonankan saudara.... tetapi saudara masih belum menyatakan sudi atau tak nak tanding....

    tolong lah tanding kita sudah tidak punya pilihan lain .... dua calon sakit SAM sakit perut dan Hasmi sakit otak.... dua dua calon punya rekod salam keruk yang teruk...

  36. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Chegu'Bard...balik la cepat...balikkk msia ni...kami dah rindu ngan hang..bini hang pun rindu gak tu..kawan2 semua rindu...balikk laa...

  37. Anonymous2:57 PM


  38. Anonymous2:58 PM


  39. Askum,
    Berapa hari pulak kat Bangkok ni?

    Slps ni boleh surf untuk dapatkan komentar saya & untuk maklumat @ perkembangan DPPNJ.


    Khairul FAizi

  40. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Christi and Austin Dwi
    Kunjungi dan dapatkan keheranan anda :

  41. teruskan perjuangan anda..

  42. Anonymous10:42 PM

    terus berjuang !

  43. politik...
    politik kuih bahulu...
    rasa enak harum bau...
    politik kuih bahulu...
    corak seribu rasanya satu...
    aduhai politik kuih bahulu...

  44. Anonymous4:16 PM

    mak ai sibuk nyer hang kat sana erk.... bila nak balik bikin sibuk kat sini lak.....

    aku nie bukan lah nak sokong tak tentu arah ...serius aku cakap kalau hang ada kat sini dan urus kongres takkan kilam kabut macam kores baru baru nie... penang dan kl aku tahu hang yang urus kongres amk semua jalan lancar tapi seremban ...hampeh...

    SD Jo dia tahu sampai last minit dia banyak yang gagal so tarik diri sebab tak nak kegagalan kongres org letak atas kepala dia so boleh 100% salahkan SAm so perkuda sentimen Ezam Azmin.....

    dah lah tu bard duk merajuk kat korea tu balik lah..... kami perlukan hang org tua pun dah undi hang duk dlm MPT...balik lah...

  45. Anonymous10:06 PM

    askum..... bard,hang kat sana apa khabor?study ok tak?bard aku nak tanya handphone yang aku pesan tu hang dah poskan ke belum? hang kalau dah pos tolong e-mel kan kat aku d alamat:

  46. Anonymous12:25 PM

    july 17th. my b'day. huhuhu.

    salam reformasi!

  47. Welcome Back De Mr Youngest MPT of PKR to Malaya...Welcome! Welcome! oyeaa..oyeaa..

  48. Anonymous12:58 PM

    hang balik jerk terus keje heheheh yg ada di malaya nie sibuk gaduh2 hehehe

    apapun cayalah lah kat hang !

  49. Anonymous6:34 PM

    asalammualaikum ya abuya!!!!

    aku nak ucapkan selamat berpuasa dan menjalani ibadah puasa dengan penuh ketakwaan.sebelum aku terlupa SELAMAT HARI LAHIR YANG KE ?? pada 23 sept dan tak lupa juga pada era 16 sept yang lepas semoga di panjangkan umur dan di murahkan rezeki.semoga kamu berdua tabah menempuhi liku-liku kehidupan.
    ikhlas dari amirpd & familly.

  50. Anonymous5:18 PM

    alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat ilahi. segala pujian bagi ALLAH tuhan sekelian alam,selawat dan salam buat nabi junjungan Muhammad S.A.W.Syukur diatas kelahiran seorang lagi puteri REFORMASI atas perkongsian hidup diantara chegu bard dan era hanim pada 23 sept sama tarikh dengan kelahiran chegubard.Alhamdulillah syukur kerana kedua-duanya sihat.tahniah diatas kelahiran puteri sulung yang bakal meneranggi lagi keluarga bahagia ini,ikhlas dari sahabatmu,amirpd & familly.

  51. terima kasih atas ucapan dan doa...

  52. Anonymous5:50 PM

    tahniah chegu... berada di bumi asing dihargai sebegitu rupa menerima undangan ceramah dan membentangkan kertas kerja tanpa henti... mendapat halangan dari Kedutaan pun tidak boleh menjejaskan ! teruskan usaha menjadi kebanggan anak muda malaysia....

    cuma amk bangga ke dengan pengiktirafan dan pencapaian chegu ?

  53. Anonymous5:50 PM

    tahniah chegu... berada di bumi asing dihargai sebegitu rupa menerima undangan ceramah dan membentangkan kertas kerja tanpa henti... mendapat halangan dari Kedutaan pun tidak boleh menjejaskan ! teruskan usaha menjadi kebanggan anak muda malaysia....

    cuma amk bangga ke dengan pengiktirafan dan pencapaian chegu ?

  54. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Perhimpunan pada 10 nov dibatalkan kerana agong tiada di kuala lumpur. ayuh kita gulingkan kerajaan pada 10 nov ini. kita akan bermandi darah pada hari itu

  55. Perhimpunan pada 10 Nov dibatalkan kerana Agong tiada di Kuala Lumpur.
    Ayuh kita gulingkan kerajaan pada 10 Nov ini, Kita akan bermandi darah pada hari itu.

  56. blog yang berisi dan menarik.


  57. Anonymous9:32 AM

    salam cikgu..

    cikgu, takleh ke wat2 ayat baik punyer pujuk ezam blk PKR? at least dalam diam2, cuba uruskan pertemuan ezam dgn mentornya, DSAI? ataupun apa2 la cara yg cikgu pikir bgs yang boleh menjernihkan salah faham dua2 'anak-beranak' tu.. saya tgk si ezam mmg bgsla, mcm 'bpk' dia gak, kuat membaca, hati kering plak tu. tp kdg2 saya rimas gak tgk mengada2 si ezam ni. saya pikirla, jumpakan du2 org tu. Insyaallah, akan ok. lagipun, ezam bkn kene fitnah mcm2, DSAI pun tak penah marah or ckp2 buruk dia dpn org ramai. tp ezam marah kat DSAI aritu, dpn public, tu yg sy agak kecewa sket tu. Dia tu panglima DSAI, so wat la cara mcm panglima. support DSAI. tgk skrg blkg DSAI ada 2 org panglima hebat, saifuddin n azmin. sbnrnya, org ketiga sbg panglima ialah ezam, betul tak? tu la panglima2 yg sepatutnya ada d blkg DSAI. dua org dah ada, kita nak sorang ni je lagi.. rugi la dia takde.. sbb PKR tgh kuat ni.. jgn main2, kita boleh menang. cuma kene bg perhatian sket kat penipuan pilihanraya je..

  58. Anonymous9:38 AM

    lupa nak kenalkan diri.

  59. Anonymous4:10 PM

    saper yg buat perhimpunan(demontrasi) tu bodoh!!!... serius... for my opinion, org yg berhimpun tu sebab org yg tak puas hati dengan hidup sekarang... ye, mmg betul ader yg tak puas hati, kite tak bole untuk puaskan hati semua org... kalu betul ader masalah dengan SPR, kerajaan, atau maner² pihak... ada saluran n jalan untuk selesaikan... sanggup ke kite nak cemarkan imej negara kita dengan bender² bodoh ni?... terpikir tak kite nnti kalu satu hari nnti aper yg u all buat ni jd balik kat diri sendiri biler u all plak berkuasa?... imej negara akan tercemar, ekonomi akan terganggu, investor akan takut utk melabur kat negara kite... jgn jadi BODOH... pk panjang sket... tak cukup mkn ke kite ni?... aper lg yg kite nak?... suarakan kepada tmpt yg betul... kalu u all sumer ada agama, ada tak agama u all tu ajar untuk buat bender² ni?... pernah ke kite terpikir kite sedang melawan pihak berkuasa(polis/FRU)... dieorg pn manusia biasa, ada tahap kesabaran(kalu cubit pn dieorg akan sakit)... tindakan ni mcm menjolok sarang lebah... biler lebah tu serang balik, u all mare lebah tu... korang sumer ader akal pikir la sendri... ermmmm...

  60. Anonymous2:20 PM

    salam bro,
    bagi sapa yang tak pergi demo hari tu lah yang BODOH yang amat sangat!!!! tak tahu hak mereka telah dinodai,yang dia tahu bila berdemo je investor akan lari,ini lah pemikiran yang dangkal,cetek.tengok apa jadi pada negara korea,rakyat mereka hampir tiap2 bulan berdemo tapi negara mereka lebih maju kehadapan tak macam malaysia gaya ye lebih tapi rakyat merempat.sapa yang tak pergi demo serius aku cakap memang manusia yang paling BODOHHHHH !!!!

  61. salam reformasi dari selatan tanah air buat chegu bard!

  62. Anonymous1:35 AM

    tolong r pk panjang skit sblm bwat ape2 tindakan...
    serius,klo ia xjd kat kte,kte xkan tau..
    tp bab demostrasi tolong r pk 2 tiga kali..
    xkan nak negare kite ni bergolak macam negara lain yang mudah dimonopoli kuase barat bile bende alah macam ni terjadi...n plez adil bile bwat any article or statement..bukan sume manusia tu perfect n bukan sume manusia tu sempurna...
    jangan terlalu ikut hati..mati..ikut nafsu binasa...lastly sembahyang istiharah when u want 2 do everything...i realy hope that..
    because i love peace and islam..
    dan sebelum mencari salah orang lain,,,jengok2lah salah sendiri dulu..

  63. Anonymous12:21 PM

    negara akan brgolak apabila pemimpinnya rasuah,pecah amanah,menindas rakyat,salah ke rakyat bangkit memperjuangkan nasib mereka yang selama ini dinodai oleh puak puak umno bn,itu hak rakyat.disebabkan dah pk banyak kalilah trjadinya demo,kalau taknak trjadinya demo bn harus d tumbangkan pada pilihanraya kali ini.

  64. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Berubah tetap berubah. Pastikan perubahan kerajaan selepas SPU12 nanti demi KEMERDEKAAN RAKYAT


  65. Dear Che'gue
    what's yr stand on:

    2.Should Msia be an Islamic State?

    I applaud your stance to stand for election although I bet a roti chanai & teh tarik that BN will win.

    Khairy will win because he is the SIL.

    You will LOSE not UNLESS you can prove your heart is in this for Malaysia

    You should find a way to approach TDM to give you advice.

    Whatever the old man has done, and his EGO is huge but I think he has been learning little lessons in his INPUT is valuable.

    I should think by now Malaysians should vote NOT just for because it is Reformasi but because the PERSON is good for Malaysia!!

  66. Anonymous10:12 AM

    nampak gaya tentera2 cyber BN sudah menyerang site nih dgn advert2 merapu..hebat jugak korang nya team eh..hehe..

  67. CheGu Bard.

    Selamat berjuang menentang Khairy.

    Saya doakan anda berjaya.


    Tauke Saham

  68. Ni gua nak contribute sikit, poster sensasi CheguBard Vs KJ, mai dapatkan secara percuma!

    Selamat Berjuang, Bro

  69. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I hate Khairy so much...Not for any reasons or rumours much talked up by the Oppositions , but I have personal reasons from my personal experiences dealing with him, which really convince me that he has malicious intentions...

    And I'm impressed of a person who has a courage to stand up and announce to the whole world that "Perjuangan adalah Perlaksanaan Kata-kata!"...I'm honestly impressed and you will have my support if you are really going against the bedevilled Son-In-Law...

    The only thing that disturbed me (as always) is the resemblance people talked about, between you and Che Ernesto Guavara..And as it turns out, I believe you are flattered and begin to associate yourselves to Che's revolutionary idea...

    And this is the thing that disturbed me - I hate all Che's wannabes, who claimed they understand and idolise Che's fights and ideas...Because most (99%) of them are fake....

    Because I have travelled the world. I spent 8 years of my life in South America. I lived 3 years in Bolivia, 2 years in Cuba and and spent 3 weeks in Rosario, Argentina (if you don't know, it is where Che was born)...

    I've been there and experience all that, first-hand...And I'm not going to say that I understand Che's life, ideas and fights better than anyone else just because I've been there and married to an Argentinan who is a de la Serna family member (if you don't know, de la Serna is Che's paternal surname)... But try spend 10 weeks in his remaining supporters camps in Guatenala and Bolivia and you will realise and understand what is the true guerrilla warfare and revolutionist ideation...

    Say, if you successfully defeated KJ, people will look up to you as a leader, not a poser...

    To idolise and admire Che's fights is praiseworthy...
    To dream of showboating and acting like one is just a mere stupidity...

    Be honest and be yourself...I hope you will be the learned one....

    Good luck!

  70. Anonymous12:29 PM


    I admire your courage and stated intention to challenge KJ wherever he goes.

    I'm sure you and your team has already considered many possibilities, among which are:
    - red herring to distract you with last minute nomination day change of constituency;
    - technical disqualification during nomination day;
    - sabotage on the way to the nomination centre;
    - physical harm towards you and your team;

    This are some of the things that came to mind to distract you from your stated intention.

    Lastly, my best regards to you and mission. It's almost like the D-day invasion of Normandy in its tension.

    Just consider your many alternative plans.

  71. Anonymous8:10 PM





  72. you have great balls, if i was a Rembau voter i will vote for you, anyone but KJ. You represents all Malaysians everywhere who stand against nepotisme and corruption. who like to see this SIL go down and go down hard. Be tough and give your best fight, our hopes and prayers are with you.

  73. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Undilah pembangkang. Kalau undi BN, rakyat akan menyesal.

  74. Chegubard, I admire your spirit and your sacrification for PKR but I have to warn you that you will lose to KJ in this coming election. I'm a Life Analyst, you have power luck but it's not strong enough to beat KJ. Rembau needs another person who has strong power luck i.e someone who is always escape being locked-up or someone who is very successful in profession. I'm very worried, if KJ wins, he might be the next Finance Minister, and all of us will suffer more. Please, please get someone else, the nomination expires today.

  75. Anonymous9:56 AM

    salam perjuangan. semoga anda berjaya memenangi Rembau.

  76. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Hi che'guBard,

    for international fund TT, you need to provide the bank address(bank branch)of the account.

    update your blog info.

  77. Anonymous9:10 AM

    im not sure if you do read your comments but i would like to wish you all the best at the Rembau seat.keep doing what you do and keep fighting for the people against the evil administration! i am not entitled to vote yet but i will for the next general election and my vote will surely go to PKR! all my best wishes and prayers be with you cikgu bad!

  78. Anonymous10:39 AM


    I just wanted to tell you that you have my full support in the polls. We need more people like you during such a crucial time for Malaysia. Good luck in this difficult fight.

  79. Dengan nama ALLAH yang maha mengetahui.

    Allahumma Ya Allah Ya Fattahu Ya Alim
    Muliakan lah hidup pemimpin kami DSAI & DSWA serta rakan rakan perjuangan di dalam PARTI KEADILAN kami dengan siraman cahaya hidayah - Mu sebagaimana Dikau sinari bumi dengan cahaya matahari-MU Sinarilah diri kami dengan Nur kefahaman yang tajam sehingga memudahkan kamu menguasai dan memahami ilmu pengetahuan yang menjadi perisai kejayaan hidup kami duniawi dan ukhrawi,

    Ya Zaljalall Walikram
    Hiaslah diri dan jiwa kami dengan kilau pancaran iman dan binalah hidup kami dengan asas taqwa
    yang bakal memberi kekuatan dan daya pemikiran serta azam yang tinggi bagi melaksanakan tugas manusiawi kami seluruh penyokong KEADILAN yang berjuang membina kecemerlangan UGAMA & BANGSA, dalam usaha menegakkan Islam agama kami, Agama keredaan-Mu dan negara kami kurniaan -Mu.

    Ya Malikud Dayyan
    Sematkanlah di dalam rongga hati murni kami,Perasaan penyayang dan semangat perpaduan serta permuafakatan yang bernafaskan toleransi, dan budi bicara yang mendalam antara kami dan para pimpinan KEADILAN serta penyokong.

    Dibarakati Asmaikal Husna Washifa tika Uzzma
    Jadikanlah hari-hari selama kami di perjuangn dipilihanraya umun ini merupakan hari-hari yang berisikan hal-hal positif sehingga terpelihara disiplin diri dan tegak utuhnya peraturan perharian yang menjadi budaya kepimpinan kami.

    Ya Allah Ya Man ha Arada Syalan An Yahilahu Kun Fayakan
    Jadikanlah negara kami Malaysia dan seluruh Negara Islam serta kepimpinan PARTI KEADILAN & PAS di rantau dunia ini,sebagai pemerintah negara aman, makmur dan stabil di dalam segala hal, dan urusannya serta mendapat kerestuan & kemenangan seluruh perjuangan PARTI KEADILAN & PAS Ya ALLAH.

    Ya Allah, Yang memiliki segala Keagongan dan Kebesaran. Ya Allah, Yang maha Berkuasa, Yang Agong, Yang Maha Besar, Yang Maha Tinggi. Kami memohon Keagongan dan Kekuasaan-Mu. Dan kemenangan bagi seluruh kepimpinan PARTI KEADILAN & PAS yang berjuang pada jalan-Mu. Ya Allah, tetaplah disebelah mereka dan bersama-sama mereka. Anugerahkanlah kejayaan; dan perkukuhkanlah kedudukan mereka. Ya Allah, satukan wawasan mereka, fokuskanlah sasaran senjata mereka, dan teguhkanlah kata-kata mereka, Dan Ya Allah, cekalkanlah hati-hati mereka.

    Ya Allah, uruskanlah dan musnahkanlah musuh mereka. Ya Allah, usirkanlah perhimpunan mereka, hancurkanlah integriti mereka, lemahkanlah kekuatan mereka, dan tanamkanlah ketakutan ke dalam hati mereka, Ya Allah, nasib kami ditangan-Mu, dan urusan kami akan dikembalikan kepada-Mu, dan keadaan kami tidak terlindung dari pengetahuan-Mu, Kepada-Mu serahkan kesengsaraan kami, Dan jiwa kami, dan kepada-Mu kami mengadu, Kepada-Mu dan hanya kepada-Mu sahajalah kami mengadu tentang kekejaman mereka yang menindas, Dan kekejaman "BN", Dan kemarahan mereka yang dikhianati oleh penjenayah.

    Hanya kepada-Mu, Ya Allah, kami mengadu tentang kekejaman “BN”,
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH.
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, musnahkan lah mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Ya Allah, kucar kacirkan barisan mereka Ya ALLAH,
    Penyelewangan golongan “BN” telah berterusan tersasar jauh.

    Dan ... Pemimpin “BN” penjenayah Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Kirimkan kepada mereka tangan-tangan kebenaran ... Untuk mengangkat dengannya penghinaan kami, Dan untuk mengembalikan kepada kamu penghormatan kami, Dan untuk memusnahkan musuh kami dengannya, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Engkau uruslah sumber kekejaman dan penindasan, Engkau uruslah sumber kekejaman dan penindasan, Ya Allah, Kirimkan Kekuasaan-Mu menentang kumpulan munafikin “BN”, Pusat kekufuran dan fasaad. Kirimkan kekuasaan-Mu menentang “BN”, Pusat kekufuran dan fasaad, Ya Allah, kami menyedari tentang mereka, Mereka menyebarkan fasaad di bumi-Mu. Mereka menjana kemusnahan, kekejaman, ketidakadilan kepada bumi Malaysia.


    HIDUP DSAI & DSWA serta seluruh kepimpinan PARTI BA & PAS.

  80. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Brother Chegubard, I am with you, you are a breeze of fresh air in Malaysian Politics. You got balls, bro, that's for sure and definitely not many Malays put their money where their mouth is. If that Son in Law hadn't got his Father in Law protection, I bet you he will be shaking at his knees when you guys shook hand yesterday at Rembau.

    My request is that you would open a Maybank or CIMB account so its so much easier for people who support you, contribute to your campaign.

    Anak Jawa Johor

  81. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Chegu Bard,
    You need to have a paypal account to allow us from overseas to donate for your campaign. Pelase ask Jeff Ooi about how to set up. Let us know if you already have an account. I'll straight away transfer the money through PayPal.

  82. Anonymous11:30 AM


    Tabik semua.

    Perjuangan Indonesia hanya berbekalkan hanya 'Bambu Runcing'dan bukan buloh lomang.

    '..Beri aku 7 pemuda yang baik tingkahnya nescaya aku bisa goncang ini dunia'


    'Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.
    -George Bernard Shaw

    I say

    'Politics is not a fashion show'

  83. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Chegu, kami di perantauan ingin memberi sumbangan dari segi kewangan. Tapi melalui US Dollar dari akaun Paypal. Sila sediakan ruangan untuk penyumbang dari pemegang kad kredit seperti kami.

  84. Chegubard, saya akan mengundi di parlimen rembau dan dun paroi. Saya akan pastikan tiada undi saya untuk BN.

  85. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Awas ! Pengundi lebih umur 100 tahun dikesan di Rembau. (Bukan satu, tapi 4!)

  86. Cikgu Bard...

    Saya telah memasukkan RM50 bagi membantu perjuangan saudara. Walaupun tak seberapa, saya bangga dengan penjuangan saudara menentang petualang bangsa, yang menggunakan kedudukan dan UMNO untuk memuaskan nafsu yang rakus...saya akan meminta bantua rakan yang lain juga..Allahuakbar

  87. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Cikgu Bard,, ade acc. maybank tak saya nak menderma..

  88. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Chegu bard,

    Kami ni kat oversea. Tolong ler chegu buka paypal ker ape ker supaya kami boleh derma untuk perjuangan hang.

  89. Anonymous11:14 AM

    You may use Maybank2U interbank GIRO transfer to transfer the money into HLBB account.

    You need to get the TAC number and IC number of chegubard.

    Good luck!

  90. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Selamat Berjuang!

    salam dari Indonesia :)

  91. Anonymous5:25 PM

    salam bad..

    gud luck beb !!

    anak jati rembau
    x-mprm 98/01

  92. Anonymous7:42 PM

    elo bardman.. nih ader berita2 baru pesai u cutting a deal with khairy on election nih... ader komen..?
    harap2 dier x dpt beli U or ur boss.. ehh btw.. pesai ur boss x penah pun hentam pak lah and khairy barua nih directly..


    lawan abeh2...


  93. salam..

    chegu bard..

    saye bakal mengundi parlimen rembau.. insyaAllah niat yg baik tu Allah akan bantu..

    teringin jugak hulur2 bantuan.. ape yg sy leh tolong selain drp kewangan dan jadik petugas ek? memandangkan skrg ni sibuk bona la banyak kojo..

    seskali jenguk2 le blog saye ye..

  94. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Assalamualaikum Chegubard,

    Sumbangan ikhlas RM500 dari saya telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun HLB saudara, dengan iringan doa agar saudara berjaya menumbangkan KJ, insyaallah.

  95. Anonymous11:17 AM


    Saya juga akan mengundi di parlimen rembau dan dun paroi. Undi saya sekeluarga adalah untuk CheguBard dan Barisan Rakyat.

    Saya juga dah donate some money for the campaign. Teruskan berjuang!

  96. RM300 untuk Cikgu!!! Sudah masuk kejap tadi.

  97. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Teruskan perjuangan. Chegubard pasti akan menang, insyaAllah. Saya dari Subang dan di Subang pun keadaannya cukup luar biasa.

    Teruskan fokus....

  98. Anonymous11:34 PM


    eloklah dah letakkan international money transfer details, bolehlah kitorang kat overseas ni donate.

    kalahkan kj!

    gaban katik

  99. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Saya sudah beberapa hari bergerak dalam masyarakat Rembau untuk membantu BA menumbangkan keanggkuhan BN/Khairy.

    Di mana PAS Rembau dalam masa gawat sebegini?? Mereka seolah olah tidak berusaha untuk mencari kemenangan. Saya tidak nampak lagi DUN Chembong mengadakan program bersama dengan PKR dan amat malang bila saya lihat markas PAS Rembau berkunci, malap dan tidak bermaya. Tiadak ada satu ceramah pun hingga ke hari ini.

    4 hari selepas penamaan calon, calon DUN Chembong masih tidak kelihatan di mana mana, mengapa ini berlaku?? Inikah cara pejuang ugama bekerja? kesal dan malu dengan sikap seorang pesara jenderal yang lemah dalam 'peperangan'.

  100. Anonymous6:49 PM


    Capture those hooligans on video and post on youTube, Malaysiakini & Malaysia today!!!

    lets expose the real KJ!!
    Not even a real samseng... money bought him statusof Kelana Jaya's "ayah" and he is using the young punks and rempits to do dirty work for him.

    NO to BN!!

  101. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I have prepared an online voting between khairy and badrul..

    be free to vote them here..

    and dont forget to write some comment ...

    visit my site..


  102. Anonymous1:12 AM


    saya telah memasukakn wang sebanyak RM30,000.00 kedalam akaun chegubard..Sila gunakan kejalan yang benar....

    Terima kasih diats perjuangn anda..
    sila hubungi this num 012-47718211 if wang tersebut tidak dimasukan lagi...

    Kamal Harun.

  103. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Teruskan perjuangan anda.

  104. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Brother, wish you all the best in your fight against corruption,mismanagement, oppression of the poors,trampling of democracy,abuse of power, nepotism cronyism and aaa...lllllll the misdeeds committed by Barisan Najis.

    Will chip in RM 100 as your campaign fund.

    Power to the people !

  105. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Che, you need to add a paypal widget so that Malaysians in the US can help out. Many of us are strong supporters of Barisan raykat. Look at your buddy Jeff Oii. He was able to raise over RM110K through the internet.

  106. Anonymous3:13 AM

    cikgu bad!!!
    semuga berjaya!!!!!!!!

  107. BN still want to be in the power to shut up ACA and police mouths, force them to end any investigations into corruptions reports!!!!!

    bring down BN to bring the corrupted leaders to the court of justice!!!

    show the people corruptions that BN leaders committed.

    “one day i google all the ministers names and found some interesting results. Nor Mohamed Yakcop is believed (because not enough proofs to prove beyond reasonable doubt) to be involved in forex scandal which resulted in bank negara lost of 30 billion ringgit in early 1990s, samy vellu in MAIKA Telecom share scandal in 1992, MITI minister in AP and else”

    ***i think one of tactics in campaigning is to compare something to something else that have ’succeed’ (in this context, west countries policies etc)

    opposition front has to convince the rakyat that ‘yes, we can’ or ‘change we can believe in’- obama

    another tactic is revealing leaders corruption like this one


    “I personally met a Malay contractor who testified that the imam of the National Mosque (Masjid Negara) demanded a bribe of RM30,000 for a maintenance contract his company was going to be awarded. This contractor showed me documents to convince me he is telling the truth because he realised such a story would be very hard to swallow. This imam eventually joined Umno and contested against Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail in Pematanag Pauh. Another supplier of cleansing chemicals testified that he too had to pay the bilal of the National Mosque a bribe for the items he supplied the mosque” in

    ***”Revealing corruptions is not personal attack and criticizing the gov; citizens have right to know everything about taxpayer’s money and condemning the mismanagement of leaders. Leaders are only part of gov not the gov as a whole”

    we need change in malaysia.

    can’t we see the situation around us?

    in usa, they want change!!! (nation debts of 3 trillion dolar etc)
    in russia, they want change!!! (from political corruption by putin etc)
    in Philippines, they want change!!! (read the arroyo corruption case)

    malaysians, please change our mentality.

    corruption will lead to nation disaster.

    in usa, even obama is a black, he got more number of delegates than hillary? why? because they want change regardless of colour of skin of their future president.

    if the americans can be so rigid about the race of the usa president before this, but in 2008 presidential election, majority of americans are very supportive of obama because of his mission to make change in usa, i don’t see why we, malaysians, have to stick to our old way of thinking.

    perhaps keadilan can come out with one easy motto for the rakyat to remember, maybe ‘perubahan’. physiologically, people will get motivated when chanting the motto.

    go to

    to hear mahathir’s own words on khairy.

    “…kerajaan keluarga ahmad badawi”

    go to

    to watch the behaviour of malaysia minister, nazri. very shameful!!!

    there is no such think as government money. it is taxpayers’ money!!!

    BN is bragging it gives subsidies of 81 million or billion ringgit, 10 billion on medicine, “Petani terjejas terima insentif RM800j setahun” and much more but the reality is any parties who govern malaysia will do that things.

    if BN becomes the government, they can do it.
    if opposition front becomes the government, they can do it.

    it’s all because the taxpayers’ money.

    many malaysians forget this west countries, they will use “taxpayers’ money” term not “government money”

    the problem with BN now is corruptions, mismanagement,befriends mat rempit who create social & crime problems and many more!!!

    more on corruption=


    1. Parliamentary seats 219 parliamentary seats are contested in 2004. BN contested in all 219 seats. PAS= 86. DAP= 44. PKR= 59.The official “opposition” parties’ (PAS, DAP, PKR) seats is 189 only which reflected 86.3% of the total parliamentary seats up for grabs.

    Why do not they put candidates in all 219 seats; higher possibility of securing more seats rather than just contesting in 189 seats (in fact, they managed to get 19 victories).

    PAS won 12 seats. DAP= 12. PKR= 1.

    17 seats won by BN candidates uncontested just like that; as a result of not putting opposition front in those seats.

    Do put candidates in all 219 seats. Higher chance.

    5. Do focus on sabah, Sarawak. BN candidates in Sarawak= 28 (max). Opposition= 7 only. Sabah, BN= 25 (max). Opposition= 12 only.

    6. If want to make change in Malaysia policies, do concentrate more on parliamentary seats than state seats. Channels outstanding candidates to parliamentary seats. At least focus more on state seats for Kelantan, and if they can, for other states too.

    7. BN quite clever. All state seats= 567. BN put 505 persons only (short 62 from max). PAS= 265. DAP= 104. PK4= 121. Independent= 86. But BN have all 219 candidates for 219 parliamentary seats

    8. Do avoid triangle contest; BN-opposition-independent. There are 31 independent candidates for parliamentary seats. Cannot ke opposition (in the parliament; DAP, PKR, PAS, independent) for the sake of winning more seats in parliament befriend the independent persons and allow the battle between independent and BN only? (very hard in difference of missions though but convince the independent people that they are going to be in opposition bench if got elected).

    With triangle contest, BN will surely snap away the votes easily, perhaps. If DAP, PKR, PAS, independent joint venture, they have 220 seats in parliamentary election.

    quite brilliant tactic by BN; contesting in all parliamentary seats but not for all state seats that is to say they focus on malaysia government policies making.

    they know they can still control a state although they do not win it.

    here is the excerpt from che det interview=

    Q: In the recent state assemly sitting in Kelantan Datuk Mustafa Mohamad admitted he asked you to stop developing Kelantan when PAS took over Government…

    Dr M : Well not only Mustafa but all the rest of Umno felt you should not develop Kelantan because if you do they will tell people…”Look even if you don’t vote for BN you will still get development, so why bother to vote for BN?” - that’s what PAS will say and that has always been a problem with PAS even in my constituency. If a village is supportive of PAS and i were to give a bridge or whatever PAS will tell people “Look you don’t have to support the Government so support us.” Because of that we had to hold back.

    i always hear the opposition parties want to deny the 2/3 majority in the parliament. but, what are their strategies except than good manifesto? what about the technical stuff? they say 'if we are given mandate by the citizen to govern the country,we will....' but in reality they contested in 189 parliamentary seats (yeah, higher than 2/3 but are they considering the math;degree of possibility)

  108. Anonymous1:15 PM

    saya akan balik mengundi pada 8 mac ini dan saya akan pastikan familly saya akan mengundi chegu bard

  109. check this out

    ctrl + F, type "Umno Youth's Schindler's List"

    you can give all the links regarding khairy corruptions to your rembau people for them to view the videos or news.

    lawan habis2!!!

    tell them if khairy win the parliamentary seat, he will use his power to the ultimate for his corruption missions.

  110. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Aku benci KJ sebab dia tu gila kuasa! dulu KJ penantu Nurul Izzah (anak Anwar Ibrahim). tapi bila Anwar dipecat & bodowi dilantik DPM, KJ buang Nurul and cari Nori (anak bodowi) pula. KJ tu bukan jantan sejati. dia tu sangguh jual maruah untuk kuasa. bukan manusia KJ tu!

  111. Anonymous7:29 PM


  112. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Aku orae kelate sokong mu... Bard..
    mu keno menang...
    Aku doa bia mu menang sekali ni..
    Kalu menate puok puok "SPR & BN" tu tok nipu, mu haruh menang BARD wey... cayo la kato aku... Tapi kalu puok puok menate BEROK RUKAH NYOR tu nipu aku tok tahu la..

    Tok soh dok chara ko menate anok beranok DOLLOH bengong kelu tu...

    Harap tido buleh lah...
    Nikoh pulok denga JIN Tino...
    Kohor jadi bengong DOLLOH lor ni...
    Menate hok bengong doh...
    Nikoh pulok denga JIN....
    Kohor bengong menate DOLLOH tu...

    Lepah nikoh ni lagi dio kuat tido, jenera sokmo... Bak por la jadi bengong lagu tu DOLLOH ni...

    Dia anok beranok standard mace BEROK doh rukah nyor di kapong aku, cabae pat tok mek ngoh...

  113. Go for it CheGuBard. Just transfered donation to HLB. Wish you all success.

  114. Anonymous5:43 PM

  115. Anonymous10:21 PM

    please give Opposition a chance to rule Malaysia to proof themselves. if you dont like it after 5 years, you can vote bn back in 2013 general election.

  116. BN component parties= SPR , umno, mic, mca, ppp....

  117. Don't give up. Don't be threatened. Don't be sidetracked. Stay on and fight the good fight of resisting KJ and the UMNO machinery.
    Terus berjuang!

  118. Anonymous2:19 PM

    antara Khairy Jamaluddin dengan Badrul Hisham Shahrin
    6hb FEB 2008
    jam 8.00 malam
    maklumkan kepada semua, semua yang mahu menyaksikan Khairy Jamaluddin, menantu Pak Lah berdebat dengan Badrul Hisham - pejuang rakyat.
    Moderator debat

    copied from

  119. Anonymous5:30 PM

    We'll support u chegu bard...

  120. Anonymous1:45 AM


    Analisis terbaru merumuskan Barisan Nasional berada dalam keadaan yang amat tertekan. Takut kempen tak sampai hala-tujuan.

    Terpaksalah teknik pengundian berulang kembali dipraktiskan. Hantu-hantu belaan dikerah pastikan kemenangan untuk calon Barisan.

    Maaflah, dakwat penanda tak dapat sambutan. Mungkin sekadar gimick dan hanya hiburan. Bagaimana rakyat Malaysia mudah diperbodoh-bodohkan.

    Bangunlah dan buka mata rakyat sekalian. Tunjukkan kita mampu untuk hentikan... segala salah guna kuasa dan pelbagai penipuan.

    Beranilah UNDI untuk satu perubahan.

    Selamat Menunaikan Tanggungjawab Kepada Seluruh Rakyat Malaysia Yang Berkelayakan.

    Pilihan Raya Umum ke 12, 2008
    Referendum Rakyat Membenteras Penyelewengan.

  121. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Salam che'GuBard. Saya doakankan agar kemenangan cekgu esok. Semoga musuh tanah air kita takkan berani tunjukkan belang lagi.



  123. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Syabas Tuan,


  124. Anonymous11:40 PM

    teruskan perjuangan. tamatkan dinasti abdullah.

  125. Anonymous12:38 PM

    hey man, although you may not have won the seat, but you've won the hearts of many Malaysians. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

  126. You did well, gave SIL a run for his money. Please let not this be the end of you political career. Good luck ally of Justice.

  127. chegu, walaupun kalah, kamu menang di mata rakyat malaysia. dalam ketidakadilan SIL, kamu telah menang. aib untuk SIL.

  128. chegu,
    i was rooting for u to win. Too bad, but i prayed for u, and hope u will win the next time around.

  129. Anonymous1:10 AM

    I heard u chegu bard...
    and i thank you.

    *dont give up!

  130. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Menurut orang tuan saya, kalau calon Barisan Nasional di Rembau di letakkan beruk sekalipun, orang akan tetap memangkah BN. :-D

  131. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Just to say thank you and I salute your bravery. You have done your best, you have gone all out. To PKR and people in Rembau- pls remember to honour Chegubard. He is the winner. All the best.

  132. I feel that you have nothing to be embarrassed about or even say sorry. You fought a good fight! You went against someone like Khairy.So what if you lost? Battles are not won so easily.Another time, another day you will emerge, you will be victorious. Till that day arrives, don't welter, don't give up but struggle, hope and fight for what you believe in(fight but not violently la..paham paham
    kan)...We Malaysians are proud that there are young people like you other there. It inspiring! Good luck....

  133. Anonymous12:53 PM

    You did a great job! Dont give up, the rakyat will always support you!!

  134. Anonymous5:15 PM

    chegu bard,
    dun weri, org jahat tetap kalah jugak nnt.
    go chegu bard.jgn menyerah!

  135. Anonymous6:55 PM


    This is JD Amersham. I'm sorry that you lost the contest in Rembau. I did mention earlier that your power luck is not strong enough to beat KJ and PKR should appoint someone else who has more luck. LUCK DO PLAY IMPORTANT PART IN OUR LIFE. How best you tried but if you have no luck, you won't succeed. If KJ is out, maybe Pak Lah won't be so stubborn to resign.

  136. Anonymous7:29 PM


    awak benar2 telah mengecewakan saya.

    Saya benar2 berharap awak menang...

    Saya sedih..

  137. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Saya dukacita kerana che gu tak dpt tewaskan Khairy kerana mainan kotor dia.

    Hapuskan Khairy dan kroni-kroninya dari muka bumi ini!

    Salam perjuangan!

  138. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Dear Chegubard,
    Congratulations on your integrity - you have proven that the end does not justify the means, by remaining clean throughout your campaign. That you lost on recount is further testament to the dirty tactics of the SIL. You are Melayu tulen - this is from a Malaysian-Indian who has been abroad for so long that Malay no longer comes so quickly. It is relatively easy for Jeff Ooi, Eli Wong and others to enter politics - they are fighting against negative discrimination. You on the other hand, inspire people like me to believe that yes, Malaysia is my homeland, and Malays are my brothers and sisters and love me too. Best wishes to you, and hope your perjuangan continues.

  139. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Assalamualaikum..cikgu bad. Tahniah di atas perjuangan di Rembau. Walaupun x menang tp x kalah yg memalukan:)Menang si khairy tu pun..ntah2 tipu gak..
    Tapi saya agak terkilan dengan kempen anda. Sepanjang jalan dari pedas ke pekan rembau saya x jumpa satu pun poster gambar anda kecuali sedikit bendera. Macamana diorang nak undi kalau x kenal? (x sumerlah). Tapi tahniahlah dengan kemenangan 20K lebih, ini menandakan orang Rembau nakkan pembaharuan:-)

  140. Anonymous5:08 PM

    slm perjuangan chegubard!
    tetapkan hati dh teguhkan iman! kite lawan tetap lawan walau apa jua halangan yg menimpa..teruskan usaha murnimu itu insyaallah

    p/s:slmt pengantin baru juga=)

  141. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Dear Badrul,
    Falling down is a way to let you learn how to climb up and get stronger and walk faster. Speak out louder and louder, and keep on......Don't give up! We love u, young man.Best Wishes from Aunty Bee Kian, Penang.

  142. If you want to have a better future for our children in Malaysia, do you part by signing the on-line petition at

    This is one of the way (non-violence) to bring our message to the Government. Don’t just sit there, stand up and be counted!

    Why do we need to reform the Election Commission?

    1) Gerrymandering. The discrepancy between number of voters in voting areas is too great. The smallest parliamentary seat (Federal Territory, Putrajaya) has only 6,608 voters while the parliamentary seat for Kapar in Selangor has 112,224 voters. What this means is that one vote in the Putrajaya parliamentary constituency is equivalent to 17 votes in the Kapar constituency.

    2) Phantom voters. A common tactic is to ‘buy’ the identity card of the voters. Party members from the ruling parties will then vote on the voters’ behalf. Random checking of a person’s identity must be conducted using those finger print checking device (like the bank use). Any voting done on another person’s identity must be made a serious offence under the election law.

    3) Postal votes. The rules on postal voting must be reviewed, tightened and amended. The current rule favours the ruling party as the armed forces personnel and policemen who vote by ‘postal voting’ would obviously not jeopardize their career or promotion prospect by voting for the opposition. Voting under postal voting is not secret as it is under the watchful eyes of the senior officers.

  143. Assalamualaikum,

    Saya harap DUN Selangor dapat menghantar Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Senator ke Dewan Negara!


  144. a great blog. shall we exchange links ? my address is

  145. We just had a thanksgiving kenduri organised by our YB Wee over here. The next chapter opens from thereon brother. God be with you.

  146. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Blog sdra informatif, saya cukup teruja. Teruskan perjuangan. Mungkin pengunjung di sini juga mahu lihat apa ada di

  147. Anonymous1:18 AM

    harap boleh tlg hebahkan link blog saya yang baru buat pasal wilayah pembangunan iskandar demi kebaikan bersama:

    saya baru belajar guna blog-blog ni. kelam kabut lagi. akn diperbaiki di masa akan datang.
    terima kasih

  148. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Chegubard: I vote for you 100% !!! Jangan putus asa... at least you dpt lebih 20k votes. Walhal semua org tahu KJ tu menang tipu jer.

    btw, pls maintain a positive blog. Kita berjuang dgn ikhlas so tak payah kita make a mockery out of pihak lawan dgn membuat poster paklah & najib bolehwood homicide. It looks silly on yr blog.

  149. Anonymous11:02 AM


    Kau tolong siasat bahawa Mohammad Hj Hassan bolot projek di NS. Kes terbaharu abangnya Azman Haji Hassan ( Setiausaha UMNO NS ), bolot projek menaik taraf jalan di Bukit Putus Kuala Pilah, melalui syarikat milik/dikuasai beliau, BUMI HIGHWAY dan projek tersebut di handle anak beliau, Aboy.

    Ada lagi yg akan menyusul

    Kawan Lama

  150. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Kau jgn siarkan info aku tadi, jumpa di kuang malam ni

  151. taman rekreasi Gallah kek bukit mantin tuh dah nak punah ranah kerana nak wat highway. berlori balak keluar kek situ. donga highway tu dari semenyih ke senawang... hai kenapo tsunami terhenti kek NS ni. patut biar bergolek cam balak dari utara samapai ke banda ilir

  152. Anonymous12:35 PM

    ko pi siarkan buat pa... banyak lagi ni... ko kaji kalau betul...ko tembak depa

  153. Anonymous5:59 PM

    assalamualaikum chegubard..

    Teruskan usaha anda semoga anda berjaya di dunia & akhirat amin3x... Mazlien78

  154. Jangan lupa ke Black 14. Senin yek?

  155. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Good Effort Che'gu Bard...
    InsyaAllah sy akan turun di Taman Jasmin, Senawang nanti...

    -peace All-

    from: Orang@Tampin.

  156. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Cikgu shikin la kawan kak era.. syabas ye PRU lepas walaupon kalah dgn kalah bermaruah dan khairy pon menang tipis saja.

    Semoga Pakatan Rakyat menjadi kenyataan!

    Sy sokong dr blkg. ;)

  157. Anonymous12:30 PM

    satu program yang cukup baik untuk buka mata masyarakat Rembau bahawa sape sebenarnya yang berusaha majukan rakyat.:-)

  158. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Tahniah kepada Saudara yang hebat memperjuangkan nasib rakyat dan bersungguh-sunguh ke arah pembentukan Negara Malaysia yang lebih adil.

    Saya juga memahami bahawa susulan daripada kemenangan ini banyak pihak yang akan menuntut janji daripada PR serta pihak lawan yang sentiasa akan mengintai peluang untuk membelasah PR.

    Saya juga mengambil maklum bahawa YB PR kini sedang bergiat usaha untuk menubuhkan tabung khas untuk membantu rakyat di bawah selian mereka. Oleh yang demikian maka sudah tentulah ia akan membabitkan sejumlah wang yang perlu dijana sentiasa.

    Saya ingin mengemukakan penyelesaian dengan tawaran perniagaan berkebajikan kepada YB PR. Saya ada beberapa ‘killer product’ yang boleh dijual dan ada yang boleh menjana komisen setiap bulan seperti VOIP misalnya. Usahasama ini adalah merujuk kepada kerjasama yang mantap iaitu kuedua pihak berusaha bersama-sama, agar kita boleh berkongsi komisen (secara telus)di mana komisen tersebut boleh dimasukkan kedalam tabung berkenaan.

    Sila lawati

  159. Salam CheGuBard,

    Semoga saudara terus dengan perjuangan menegakkan keadilan.

    Hello beruk-beruk dan para pemimpin beruk. Siapa sebenarnya yang menjahanamkan perpaduan kamu hai beruk? Mungkin ada musang yang menyusup masuk dikalangan para beruk. Mungkin beruk Rembau tu sebenarnya keturunan musang.

    Teruskan membaca di:

  160. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Bro, sorry to use your blog to make my issue known.
    I am so happy I voted for PAKATAN RAKYAT. BN is good at wasting money and enriching themselves. Recently, my son who scored straight 10A1 was rejected a PSD scholarship. Hello, Pak Dollah wake up lah, ini modal insan that you been talking about. Well then again you only talk never walk the talk. Sad really sad. Dissappointed indian, Makkal Sakti, Makkal Sakti,Makkal Sakti

  161. Ada 168 komen.Tapi tak seorang pun nak tolong chegu bard dapatkan note book baru.Apa kata kalo kita collect sorang seringgit macam raja petra buat.sokong air liur je mana jadi...

  162. sukahatikaulah, dah bagi singgit lom? sebelum lupo atuk nak ingatkan Al-nakba.

  163. Someone tipped me off that ..

    Raja Petra Kamarudin is a Commoner ..

    Q1: How come Raja Kamarudin has TWO GRANDFATHERS ie. Raja Uda and Sultan Musa?
    Q2: Why he refused to answer such questions posted in his own site (

    A: Sultan Musa is NOT his grandfather! More Here [ ]

  164. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Bard.Apa sudah jadi dengan petition bagi Parlimen Rembau.Ada kah ia diterima olih pehak Mahkamah?

  165. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Bard.Apa sudah jadi dengan petition bagi Parlimen Rembau.Ada kah ia diterima olih pehak Mahkamah?

  166. Anonymous7:58 PM

    ko masih ada kat GERAK lagi ke?
    aku ada kirim ko t-shirt guna alamat GERAK...


  167. Anonymous12:10 AM

    cabaran kita sebagai ahli pkr dan pas ialah menjawab tohmahan di blog mengenai agenda asing part 1 & 2. Ini maruah kita

  168. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Akm sahabatku, Chegubard!

    Betulkah Sdr. ingin menyertai Ezam ke dalam UMNO; sebagaimana yang disebut dlm blog antikhairy?

    Semoga sahabatku CheguBard senantiaa diberi keputusan untuk membuat ijtihad terbaik dalam perkara ini, jika benar.

    Maaf jika bertanya itu satu gangguan.

  169. Anonymous8:03 PM


    Ayuh Bard ikut Boss lama kito. Tak kan ko tak ingat Pemuda Keadilan Menyanggah________________ Meratah Kezaliman !!!! Kan kito samo2 pusing satu NS.

    Dilda, Rosli, Maznan,Zuljimmy , Harun dan ramai lagi tunggu ko........Dia orang dah lamo patah balik tapi ko bilo lagi.....

    Ayuh Bard kembali ke panggkal jalan....

    Daripada Barisan Exco Pemuda Keadilan NS...

  170. Anonymous9:00 AM

    ai....lama senyap.kompom laa tu nak ikut si ezam masuk umno.apa jawatan si kj offer mesti hang dapat pakej baik punya.emmmmmm...jilat lah sampai licin.

  171. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Mr. Badrul Hisham,
    Sorry to divert. But what is this I read (in about you joining UMNO with Ezam?
    Please don't disappoint the rakyat. I contributed to your Rembau campaign and I will continue to support you to fight those corrupted and arrogant BN . I hope you can clarify. Thank you.

  172. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Budak bangang macam kau ni dengan beruk pun tak buleh menang!!!!!!!!

    Bokas cekgu sekolah koling lak tu

  173. Anonymous4:49 AM


    Nama saudara telah disebutkan oleh seorang pembaca Malaysia-Today mengenai Ezam memasuki UMNO.

    written by ismhakim, May 29, 2008 | 08:54:06

    History has shown that ex-UMNO members who return back to the fold don't go far in the party. There will be the initial hype. UMNO has a commendable way of deep freezing returnees. Those who stayed with UMNO don't take very lightly of those who left and returned. Ezam will learn that later.

    He was with PKR thick and thin. He took a gamble in PKR politics and lost. Instead of staying on, he left. Started an NGO, Gerak. Which was fine. Then he did not foresee that PKR would do well in the election. Even Loh Gwi Burne and other newbies win a seat. If Ezam had stood in any of the seats in the Klang Valley or Perak, he would have won hands down. In the end he sought solace in a party that he had condemned by coming back to the fold.

    Ezam's return only confirms long held suspicions. That he wanted to make PKR another Malay nationalist party, another version of UMNO. If he had succeeded, there is no way PKR would be the strongest opposition party of today. It also raises the question whether Ezam had believed in a Bangsa Malaysia ideology or a Ketuanan Melayu ideology. UMNO, like MCA and MIC, is a racist party, acknowledged by those in and outside the party. Ezam is actually returning back to a party that believed in racist policies.

    In that sense, there is no lost for those who brought about the political tsunami in March 2008. Anyway, Ezam's return to UMNO is a slap in the face of Dr Mahathir. It is a scoop for Badawi.

    In all this, our highest respect must go to Chegubard who took on the most difficult constituency in Rembau. He lost, but he gained respect and a loyalty across all the races.

    If there is any slot open, the first choice by Pakatan Rakyat to be given, should be Chegubard.

    He will be a great and reliable asset to PR and to PKR.

    Anwar and his team should take note. Ezam is lost to UMNO but the one in waiting who should be in Parliament today is Chegubard.

  174. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Read this interesting article on Harakah which was reposted below:

  175. Anonymous5:38 AM


    rayuan chegubard untuk laptop dipost di Malaysian Unplugged Uncensored blog

  176. Anonymous9:46 PM

    syabas cikgu, setia kepada perjuangan tetapi apa yang tidak saya faham tentang ezam adalah perjuangan apa yang dilaungkan...beliau mahu menghapuskan rasuah dan terpenjara akibat orang-orang tertentu dalam UMNO yang terbabit dengan rasuah sekarang kembali kepada UMNO tetapi "orang itu" masih lagi dalam UMNO terpengaruh dengan janji paklah untuk menghapuskan rasuah yang telah berakar umbi dalam sistem kerajaan tetapi siapa jerung besar yang sudah terperangkap?

    Ezam katannya berjuang untuk bangsa melayu tetapi sangup di suap oleh nalakarupan

    Adakah Ezam terlampau berdendam kepada Anwar Ibrahim kerana Anwar lebih mempercayai Azmin dari Beliau,jika ini adalah sebab-sebabnya beliau kembali kepada UMNO beliau akan mengalami nasib seperti nasib ku li ...semoga Ezam istiqamah dalam perjuangan

  177. Kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk Parlimen Rembau, P.131 ialah 48,901.

    Kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk Dewan Undangan Negeri di bawah Parlimen Rembau,
    P.131 N.25 PAROI = 18,076
    P.131 N.26 CHEMBONG = 10,155
    P.131 N.27 RANTAU = 12,216
    P.131 N.28 KOTA = 9,199
    Jumlah kertas undi DUN = 49,646
    b.) Jumlah kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk Dewan-Dewan Undangan Negeri
    di bawah Parlimen Rembau, P.131 ialah 49,646.

    48,901 ≠ 49,646

    Jumlah kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk Parlimen Rembau, P.131 tidak sama
    dengan Jumlah kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk Dewan-Dewan Undangan
    Negeri di bawah Parlimen Rembau, P.131.

  178. Kertas Undi Dikeluarkan
    = Jumlah Bilangan Undi + Kertas Undi Ditolak + Kertas Undi Tidak Dikembalikan


    KUDP – Kertas Undi Dikeluarkan bagi Parlimen
    KUDN – Kertas Undi Dikeluarkan bagi DUN
    JKUDUN – Jumlah Kertas Undi Dikeluarkan bagi DUN-DUN di bawah Parlimen

    KUDP sepatutnya sama dengan JKUDUN

    Daripada hasil analisa saya,

    Negeri Sembilan 2008

    P131 Rembau
    KUDP = 48,901
    JKUDUN = KUDN N25 + KUDN N26 + KUDN N27 + KUDN N28
    = 18,076 + 10,155 + 12,216 + 9,199
    = 49,646
    48,901 ≠ 49,646
    Jumlah kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk DUN-DUN lebih daripada bilangan
    kertas undi dikeluarkan untuk Parlimen.
    Perbezaan antara JKUDUN dan KUDP ialah 745.
    Status: Does not tally, mismatch

  179. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Adakah anda bersedia dengan keadaan ekonomi yang serba naik ini?

    Apakah langkah-langkah yang akan anda ambil untuk mengatasi kemelut ini?

  180. Anonymous8:19 AM


    Untuk bertanding di peringkat Parlimen kena ada RM500,000.



  181. Anonymous8:39 AM

    p tgk sat!
    take a look!

  182. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Akm CheguBard. Semoga sihat.

    13 Jun ini, mahasiswa ada program di KLSCAH. Rujuk

    Saya sudah maklumkan pd pihak penganjur tentang pertmbungan tersebut. Setakat ini, mrk masih belum respon kerana bagi sy ia penting, melibatkan mobilisasi mahasiswa juga.

    Jika program tersebut dilewatkan masa atau lain2, nanti saya akan panjangkan pesta demontrasi rakyat ini 13 Jun ini ya.

    Salam ukhwah dan dalam perjuangan. PERJUANGAN ADALAH PERLAKSANAAN KATA-KATA!

  183. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Akan ku turun di setiap protes yang dianjurkan kerana aku sudah GERAMM. Ayuh rakan2 suarakan marah kita dalam protes ini.

    Jangan Lupa layari blog saya di
    bagi komen setiap artikel yang saya tulis. …ada artikel baru

  184. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Datang ke blog saya utk pic protes kenaikan harga minyak 13 jun

    Ayuh rakan2 sertai setiap perhimpunan protes harga minyak kerana kita sudah GERAMM. Kita berjuang hingga ke titisan minyak yang terakhir.

    Jangan Lupa layari blog saya di
    bagi komen setiap artikel yang saya tulis. …ada artikel baru

  185. CHEGU BARD...
    slamt dtg ke semenyih 21hb ni!!
    dah lama tak dgr ceramah chegu!!

    proud of you!

  186. Well thought comments and analysis. Hope the kampung folks will have chances to read this for themselves. Keep up the good work and good fight.

    The news media and the BN government had hook wink the people for far too long. Guys like RPK and you and many others the hero of today.

    Thanks again and may Gob bless you and protect you from all this evil BN people.

  187. tolong sebarkan artikel ini.

    Kerajaan Penjajah

  188. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Kerajaan pakatan rakyat ni penuh dgn perhimpunan....

  189. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Money as Debt

    August 24, 2007
    by Carolyn Baker

    Anyone who hasn't watched "Money As Debt," an animated DVD by Paul Grignon, should consider purchasing this extraordinary explanation of money's origin in an economy totally dependent on debt. Almost everyone has seen footage of federal printing presses cranking out paper money, and some of us have even visited a government mint or two and have observed the process firsthand. But like so many other illusions with which the U.S. economy is replete, money is not created by government printing presses.

    During the first few minutes of "Money As Debt" I began feeling my eyes glazing over in anticipation that I would soon begin viewing photo footage instead of animation. I then realized that I, like the masses of Americans who demand that every video experience provide them with entertainment, was unconsciously holding the same expectation. I then promptly hit the rewind button and started over, this time listening and watching attentively.

    "Money As Debt" is not entertainment-far from it. The film offers amazingly elementary facts about the creation of money in the United States, narrated by a soothing voice, which could make for a bland presentation, yet the film's message is anything but vapid. In fact, if it doesn't leave your blood boiling, it behooves you to check your vital signs.

    Beginning with the most fundamental question of all, Grignon asks: Where does money come from? The answer to this question will almost never be found in grammar school-or even college. What we aren't told in formal education is that money is created by central banks.

    Banks create money, not from their own earnings or from the funds deposited by customers, but from the borrowers' promises to repay loans. Most importantly, borrowers not only promise to repay, but to repay with interest, and the bank writes the amount of money of both into the borrower's account.

    Grignon opens with a story from antiquity. In the days before paper money, goldsmiths produced gold coins and kept them safe for the purchaser in the same way that banks hold deposits today. These goldsmiths soon noticed, however, that purchasers rarely came in for their actual gold and almost never all at the same time. So the gold merchants began issuing claim checks for the gold which made the exchange of gold in the marketplace easier and less cumbersome. Thus, paper money was born which made doing business much more convenient.

    Eventually, goldsmiths began loaning money to customers and charging interest on the loans, and borrowers began asking for their loans in the form of claim checks. The goldsmith shared interest earnings with depositors, but since no one actually knew how much gold he was holding, he got the idea that he could lend out claim checks on gold that wasn't actually there and soon started becoming enormously wealthy from the interest paid on gold that didn't exist.

    Thus began the power to create money out of nothing, but it wasn't long before bank runs began, and banking regulations evolved regarding how much money could be lent out. However, the regulations allowed a ratio of 9 to 1-that is, banks could lend out 9 times the amount of the deposits that were already there. This policy has come to be known as Fractional Reserve Banking. Regulation also arranged for central banks to support local banks with emergency infusions of gold, and only if there were many runs at once would the system crash.

    Fast forward to 1913 when that so-called progressive president, Woodrow Wilson, signed into law the Federal Reserve Act which created the banking cartel now in charge of America's money system.

    For those who have not seen Aaron Russo's DVD "Freedom To Fascism" - run, don't walk to see or purchase it. It is required viewing for understanding the Federal Reserve System and the power it has over the U.S economy and over our individual lives. Very few Americans know how money is created and even fewer know how the Fed originated and what it actually does. Does anyone really believe this is an "accident"? As the media guru Marshall McLuhan is reported to have said, "Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity."

    Whereas U.S. paper currency used to be backed by gold, that is no longer the case, and we have instead a fiat currency backed by nothing except the word of the Federal Reserve that the money is worth its stated value. Moreover, money today is created as debt, that is, money is created whenever anyone takes a loan from a bank. In fact, every deposit becomes a potential for a loan-a process which can be and is repeated many times, ultimately creating infinite amounts of money from debt.

    Whereas the 9 to 1 ratio reigned at the beginning of banking regulation, today in some banks, ratios are as high as 20 to 1 or 30 to 1, and frighteningly, some banks have no reserves at all!

    The bottom line is that banks can create as much money as we can borrow!

    (Article Continues Below)

    One wonders how individuals, banks, governments, and other entities can all be in debt at the same time, owing astronomical amounts of money. This question is answered when we consider that banks don't lend actual money; they create it from debt, and since debt is potentially unlimited, so is the supply of money.

    But what is so wrong with this scheme? Hasn't it been working all these years? Actually, there are several things very wrong with it.

    The first issue is that the people who produce the real wealth in the society are in debt to those who lend out the money in that society. Moreover, if there were no debt, there would be no money.

    Most of us have been taught that paying our debts responsibly is good for ourselves and for the economy. We imagine that if all debts were paid off, the economy would improve. In terms of individual debt, that's true, but in terms of the overall economy, the exact opposite is true. We are continually dependent on bank credit for money to be in existence-bank credit which supplies loans. Loans and money supply are inextricably connected, and during the Great Depression, the supply of money plummeted as the supply of loans dried up.

    Secondly, banks only create the amount of the principal of loan. So where does the money come from to pay the interest? From the general economy's money supply, most of which has been created in the same way.

    A visual image is helpful. Imagine two pools of water-one full and one empty. The pool with water in it represents the amount of the principal of a loan; the empty pool represents principal plus interest. The pool of principal has only a certain amount of water in it, so that it can't possibly fill up the other pool of principal plus interest. The rest of the water needed to fill the pool doesn't actually exist and has to be acquired from somewhere.

    The problem is that for long-term loans, the interest far exceeds the principal, so unless a lot of money is created to pay the interest, a lot of foreclosures will result. In order to maintain a functional society, the foreclosure rate must be low, so more and more debt must be created which means that more and more interest is created, resulting in a vicious and escalating spiral of indebtedness.

    Furthermore, it is only the lag time between the time money is created to the time debt is repaid that keeps the overall shortage of money from catching up and bankrupting the entire system. It takes only a few second of reading the headlines of the financial pages during this month, August, 2007, to notice that foreclosure rates and lag time are threatening to meltdown the entire U.S. economy. The preferred method of the Federal Reserve and central banks addressing this calamity is, yes, you guessed it: to create more debt. The lowering of interest rates in recent years, the bombardment of credit card applications we find regularly in our mailboxes, the red ink in which the United States government is drowning are all an attempt to stave off the collapse of the entire system.

    Can any sane human being believe that this situation can persist forever? What is the inevitable outcome of a fiduciary game of musical chairs? Monetary historian, Andrew Gause, answered this question:

    One thing to realize about our fractional reserve banking system is that, like a child's game of musical chairs, as long as the music is playing, there are no losers.

    And finally, a system based on fractional reserve banking is, to say the least, not sustainable because it is predicated on incessant growth. Perpetual growth requires perpetual use of resources and the constant conversion of precious resources into garbage just to keep the system from collapsing.

    Grignon suggests that in order to begin addressing and resolving the nightmare of money as debt, we must ask four pivotal questions:

    1) Why do governments choose to borrow money from private banks at interest when governments could create all the interest-free money they need themselves?

    2) Why create money as debt at all? Why not create money that circulates permanently and doesn't have to be perpetually re-borrowed in interest?

    3) How can a money system, dependent on perpetual growth, be used to build a sustainable economy? Perpetual growth and sustainability are fundamentally incompatible.

    4) What is it about our current system that makes it totally dependent on perpetual growth? What needs to be changed to allow the creation of a sustainable economy?

    A crucial assumption that must be questioned is the practice of usury or the charging of interest for lending money. Grignon asserts that it is a moral and a practical issue because it necessarily results in lenders ending up with all the money, particularly when foreclosures happen. Not only is debt deplorably profitable for lenders in terms of interest and service charges, but when borrowers cannot pay, as in the case of housing foreclosures, lenders walk away with the proceeds. In a recent article "Panic On Wall St.", Andrew Leonard explains how obscenely advantageous subprime and liar loans have been for lenders and provides damning evidence to support the long-time assertions by Catherine Austin Fitts that the housing bubble has been engineered by centralized financial systems.

    In a transformed economy, which I do not anticipate happening in the twenty-first century, banks would exist as non-profit services to society-lending without charging interest at all. But, as Grignon says, if it's the fundamental nature of the system that's causing the problem, then tinkering with the system can't solve the problem. It must be replaced.

    One solution might be the replacement of paper dollars with precious metals, which of course, could once again become cumbersome and inconvenient, unless the economic system had experienced collapse and digital and paper transactions were no longer possible.

    Perhaps the best solution offered by "Money As Debt" is the creation of locally-based barter money systems in which debt is repaid by hours of work valued at a dollar figure. Additionally, government spending on infrastructure, not using borrowed money, would also create value locally and nationally.

    The Federal Reserve banking cartel has been shrouded in secrecy and lack of information among the American people regarding its creation and functioning. One American president appeared to have understood it very well:

    Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce...when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.

    ~James Garfield, 20th President

    Assassinated, 1881

    "Money As Debt" is not only a must-see for any American who wants to be politically and economically literate, but is particularly crucial for high school and college students to see in order for them to understand how the money works in the United States. Yet we should not assume that the film's simplicity of presentation ranks it as less than adult because most adults in this nation are clueless regarding the connection between money and debt.

    I personally hold no hope of changing the money/debt system which is truly the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the American economic landscape. What I do envision, and what must happen, in my opinion, is its total collapse, whether gradual or sudden, so that the transformation and relocalization of the nation's economic system will be possible, which it is not in the current milieu. However, what we are presently witnessing in the bursting housing bubble and credit crisis may well be the beginning of the end of "money as debt."

  190. Anonymous1:37 AM

    .............GANYANG umno/bn !!!!

  191. Anonymous5:38 AM

    DSAI sudah kena....ditelanjangkan diperiksa seluruh badan termasuk kemaluan di HKL....AWAS tunggukan nanti satu VIDEO ADENGAN SEKS AKAN DIKELUARKAN BERTEKNOLOGI TINGGI YANG MEMPUNYAI PELAKON MIRIP SEPERTI DSAI COMPLETE SATU BADAN....pernah tgk DSAI menyanyi lagu azizah di youtube?...sungguh mirip rupa bentuk dan suara pelakonnya dgn DSAI....HABISSSS-

  192. Anonymous12:22 AM

    To all aspiring politicians in capitalism democracy nation

    It is very very easy to become rich and famous in capitalism democracy government system such as in Malaysia.

    Just remember this, Bankers-businessmen and property developers are at the top of human food chain in this system.

    As long as you pump in billions into infrastructure construction and property development industry. You will have populace support.

    As long as you pump in billions for IT project, you will have more party members to support you, but of course, first you must ensure they all have education background in IT.Cinta IT, Suka IT, Belajar IT.

    As long as you spend money in buying Mercedes,BMWs and other luxury cars, you will garner the support of the businessmen’ class since they are doing the job as importers and distributors.These businessmen then will pay money to promoters to sing praises on you and increase your popularity level so that you can continue to become a politician.

    Remember this, the 3 golden rule of democracy:
    Majority wins
    Majority rules
    Majority always right!

    So dance!!you politician!Dance you must!

    Dance to capitalists' tunes.
    Speak against capitalism, you will be bundle out of office in a blink of eyes.

  193. umno hanya tahu perjuangkan bangsa,tetapi perosak Islam,tanpa islam yg syumul bangsa juga boleh runtuh!Pemimpin UMNO tidak sayangkan Islam!!!!!!

  194. Dear Blogger,


    My name is Edward Skading and I am writing to seek your corporation and support to help me uphold our consumer rights against F&N Dairies’ Contaminated Condensed Sweet Milk – Tea Pot brand.

    The full information is posted on my weblog If you wish to contact me please send an email to

    I would greatly appreciate your support to expose this incident to all Malaysians because it seems like most main stream media is not interested in this horrible discovery. I wish they would take notice.

    I am also in the midst of being taken to court by F&N because of my determination for transparency and truth.

    Please come forward and help me. I would greatly value it.

    Thank you.

    Yours truly,

    Edward Skading

  195. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anwar boleh jadi pm ke 16 september ni sheikh?

  196. Kepada umat islam malaysia cuba fikirkan...

    Satu perkara nak bangkitkan di sini berkenaan FORUM MAJLIS PEGUAM tu.. UMNO dah bising terbaru PAS bantah pulaforum anjuran Majlis Peguam Malaysia itu yg dinyatakan oleh YB Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang tetapi saya tertanya-tanya mana kenyataan daripada Pemimpin ISLAM yg bernaung dibawah PARTI KEADILAN RAKYAT yg kononnya memperjuangkan ISLAM?????

    Cuba anda semua sebar-sebarkan perkara ini mana tahu boleh dapat jawapannya..

    ini menyentuh hak kita umat islam yg telah diperuntukan oleh PERLEMBAGAAN yg kononnya di junjung oleh MAJLIS PEGUAM.. tp nampaknya PEGUAM-PEGUAM ISLAM kita yg ada di MALAYSIA ini pun hati tikus langsung tak berani..

    Nampaknya pemimpin PKR hanya nampak memperjuangkan ANwar Ibrahim sahaja.. tolong lah pertahankan agama sendiri dulu..

  197. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Aku adalah waris tanah 7 keturunan, kerana doa datuk nenek satu hari terpancut emas hitam atas tanah waris ku.
    Aku ni jahil tak tahu apa nak buat undi U untuk mentadbir. U jahil ujudkan P untuk menguruskan. P jahil tender kat pakar.
    P tak ada duit mintak U. U tak ada duit mintak Aku. Aku pinjamkan duti tabungan dan dari bank. Emas hitam diurus dengan rakus, aku diberitahu keturun kedua ku mungkin tak rasa.
    Minyak dijual dan untung P dan U punya. P dan U buat project gajah putih atas tanak waris ku itu pun untuk aku lihat saja (dan bukan milik aku).
    AKU???? pemilik tanah dan minyak disuruh kerja kuat untuk U dan P pulak. Untuk meneruskan hidup aku terpaksa beli hasil jualan (terutama minyak hitam tu) P dan U. U kata kat aku dia terpaksa hulurkan subsidi harga emas hitam tadi kalau tidak aku akan jatuh papa miskin.
    Salah aku sebab sekolah tak tinggi juta kawan-kawan aku jugak bodok macam aku. Maka terpaksa menanti keujudan pemimpin yang berilmu yang sudi memelihara hak-hak aku. Apa lah nasib ku waris yang hina bertekad usaha. Tak paham-paham lagi keee..Hidup rakyat..reformasi.

  198. chegu! bebuka pukul 3 tu ape yek?...hehehehe!
