Pic of my sweet simple home ( opss...my parent home...)

when all cabinet full of cookies

Dining Table....
Living RoomMy mom picture and my picture when my graduation day on my mom bed room
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty"...."Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes."— Che Guevara (1928-1967) International Revolutionary
when all cabinet full of cookies
Dining Table....
Living RoomMy mom picture and my picture when my graduation day on my mom bed room
PETALING JAYA: An inquiry into alleged police violence during a demonstration heard a witness testify that he was hit with a jet of water and dragged to a Black Maria by no fewer than five policemen.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat deputy youth chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin said he was then handcuffed to another person and taken to the Jalan Hang Tuah police station (formerly Pudu Prison).
He gave evidence yesterday at the start of an eight-day hearing conducted by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) into the "Bloody Sunday" incident of May 28 against fuel price hikes.
Badrul said he was standing beside DAP leader Ronnie Liu that day. He said before that, he had signalled to a policeman standing above the water cannon truck to give the demonstrators five minutes to disperse. He said he was given a thumbs-up, but two minutes later he was hit by the water jet.
"I could not hear the three warnings given to us to disperse as it was inaudible and given at the same time when Ronnie was speaking over the loud-hailer," said Badrul.
In the Black Maria, Badrul said he saw Keadilan deputy secretary-general Zahir Hassan, who was bleeding from the mouth, nose and cheeks.
Badrul acknowledged that there were some police officers who showed concern and wanted to help.
The protest was organised by a coalition of NGOs, Keadilan, Parti Sosialis Malaysia, PAS, and university students, under the group name Protes.
Apart from Badrul, Keadilan information bureau chief Chua Tian Chang and Federal Reserve Unit cameraman L/Cpl Mohd Nasarudin Hashim also testified yesterday.
Suhakam's panel comprised commissioners Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh, Datin Paduka Zaitoon Othman and Datuk Choo Siew Kion. It was chaired by Datuk K.C. Vohrah.
Chua testified that the warnings to disperse was issued 15 minutes after the speeches started. He said he moved closer to the water cannon truck as he could not hear the announcement being made above the speeches and the crowd's cheering.
The inquiry viewed a tape recording made by Mohd Nasarudin.
The hearing continues.
Today (5 October 2006) is the 1st day of the inquiry. The inquiry will continue on the following days: v Datin Paduka Zaitoon Dato’ Othman
SUHAKAM Inquiry Room, Level 29, Menara Tun Razak, Jalan Raja Laut, KL.
1. Sivarasa Rasiah - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
2. Amer Hamzah - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
3. Edmund Bon - Bar Council
Watching brief:
1. M. Moganambal - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
2. R. Ragunanthanan - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
3. Ramesh - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
4. Latheefa Koya - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
5. Stephanie Bastian - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
6. Sheena - Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (KL)
7. Chang Lih Kang - SUARAM
Today’s witnesses:
After allowing lawyers to assist in the inquiry, Dato’ K.C. Vohrah, the chairperson of the inquiry panel kicked off the inquiry by calling the first witness, Chua Tian Chang (hereinafter referred to as Tian). Tian was one of the main organizers and he is now the Information Chief of Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Tian was asked about the overall situation on the day of the demonstration. The inquiry panel inquired in detail on the incident. The inquiry panel also asked some questions about the Anti Fuel Price Hike Coalition – PROTES. Tian has given the SUHAKAM panel a full picture of the incident.
2nd witness: Water cannon hit me on my stomach, and I was dragged rudely by the police
Badrul told the inquiry panel that he was the one who started off the assembly. After a short introduction, he then passed the microphone to the coordinator of the assembly, Dr. Hatta to deliver his speech. Badrul recalled, Dr. Hatta only spoke for a very short while and the second speaker took over. When the third speaker, Ronnie Liu was speaking, Badrul heard some noise from the police but he could not hear clearly what the OCPD was trying to address. He thought the OCPD might be requesting the crowd to disperse, so he tried to communicate with the OCPD through sign language. After some exchanges, he was made to understand that the police was giving them another 5 minutes. Unfortunately, water cannon were unleashed from the truck after hardly two minutes.
The water cannon hit Badrul on his stomach and he fell to the ground because of the force. He was immediately surrounded by 5 to 6 police personnel and was rudely dragged for some 30 yards. According to Badrul, his pants were torn due to the crass dragging. He was then handcuffed and placed into the paddy wagon. He saw Zahir Hassan, the deputy secretary general of Parti Keadilan Rakyat in the wagon. Zahir was badly injured and his mouth was seen bleeding.
3rd witness: The video was not doctored
The third witness of the inquiry is Lance Corporal Mohd Nasarudin Hashim. Mohd Nasarudin Hashim (hereinafter referred to as Nasarudin) is a FRU personnel, who was instructed to record video during the 28 May assembly. Nasarudin told the inquiry panel that the FRU commander who instructed him was Chief Inspector Pusparajen.
The 17-min video was played at the inquiry. The video has clearly shown that the gathering was peaceful until the police acted.
Prepared by,
The air quality continued to deteriorate in the peninsular today after a brief respite over the weekend.
The Air Pollutant Index (API) for Negeri Sembilan’s Nilai - located near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport - was close to the ‘very unhealthy’ level this morning.As of 11am, the API reading for Nilai was at 194, said a Department of Environment (DOE) spokesperson when contacted.
He said that the DOE’s website, which provides daily API readings taken at 11am and 5pm, has been experiencing high traffic congestion over the past few days.
API readings between 101-200 is considered ‘unhealthy’ while those between 201-300 is ‘very unhealthy’. Between 0-50 is ‘good’ and 51-100 ‘moderate’.
In total, 14 areas were declared ‘unhealthy’ this morning while 30 were ‘moderate’ and seven ‘good’.
But after a cloud-seeding induced shower this afternoon, there has been a slight drop in the API readings.
Nilai still registered the highest reading in air pollution with 173 as of 5pm.
The number of 'unhealthy' areas dropped marginally from 14 to 13, but 'moderate' areas increased from 30 to 33, while 'good' areas dropped from seven to four.
In the ‘unhealthy’ category were Perak's Seri Manjung (183 at 11am to 163 at 5pm), Kuala Selangor (181 to 165), Seremban (181 to 158), Putrajaya (171 to 156), Kuala Lumpur (159 to 155), Kajang (158 to 145), Shah Alam (145 to 140), Petaling Jaya (139 to 132), Port Klang (131 to 121), Malacca's Bukit Rambai (131 to 110), Gombak (127 to 128), Ipoh (113 to 105) and Malacca town (110 to 86). Sarawak, which was worst hit by the haze last week with several areas seeing their API readings exceed 200, was no longer in the ‘unhealthy’ zone today.
Parti Keadilan Rakyat deputy youth chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin said he was then handcuffed to another person and taken to the Jalan Hang Tuah police station (formerly Pudu Prison).
He gave evidence yesterday at the start of an eight-day hearing conducted by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) into the "Bloody Sunday" incident of May 28 against fuel price hikes.
Badrul said he was standing beside DAP leader Ronnie Liu that day. He said before that, he had signalled to a policeman standing above the water cannon truck to give the demonstrators five minutes to disperse. He said he was given a thumbs-up, but two minutes later he was hit by the water jet.
"I could not hear the three warnings given to us to disperse as it was inaudible and given at the same time when Ronnie was speaking over the loud-hailer," said Badrul.
In the Black Maria, Badrul said he saw Keadilan deputy secretary-general Zahir Hassan, who was bleeding from the mouth, nose and cheeks.
Badrul acknowledged that there were some police officers who showed concern and wanted to help.
The protest was organised by a coalition of NGOs, Keadilan, Parti Sosialis Malaysia, PAS, and university students, under the group name Protes.
Apart from Badrul, Keadilan information bureau chief Chua Tian Chang and Federal Reserve Unit cameraman L/Cpl Mohd Nasarudin Hashim also testified yesterday.
Suhakam's panel comprised commissioners Datuk Dr Michael Yeoh, Datin Paduka Zaitoon Othman and Datuk Choo Siew Kion. It was chaired by Datuk K.C. Vohrah.
Chua testified that the warnings to disperse was issued 15 minutes after the speeches started. He said he moved closer to the water cannon truck as he could not hear the announcement being made above the speeches and the crowd's cheering.
The inquiry viewed a tape recording made by Mohd Nasarudin.
The hearing continues.
The areas which recorded the latest Air Pollutant Index (API) exceeding 100 have risen from 11 yesterday to 15 as at 11am today, a Department of Environment spokesperson told malaysiakini.
(The department’s website, detailing API readings on a daily basis, has been experiencing technical problems since this morning.)
The four new 'unhealthy' areas are all in the peninsula - Kuala Selangor (111), Muar (110), Seri Manjung (107) and Bandar Raya Melaka (101).
However, the API in Petra Jaya, Sarawak - which was worse hit yesterday and recorded a ‘very unhealthy’ level - has dropped from 213 to 177 this morning.
Other areas remaining on the 'unhealthy' list are Sri Aman (178), Samarahan (174), Kuching (167), Sibu (163), Nilai (116), Kapit (110), Bukit Rambai (108), Seremban (105) and Bintulu (103).
The readings in these 15 areas however dropped marginally at 5pm but they remained at a 'very unhealthy level', except for Seri Manjung which recorded 94. (see chart)
Putrajaya hits unhealthy mark
Topping the list is still Sarikei in Sarawak, from 156 yesterday to 195 this morning, and down to 178.
In the Klang Valley, the situation has also worsened with Putrajaya hitting the unhealthy level in the evening. The API for Putrajaya stood at 102 at 5pm today.
The rest are of the readings in the evening are Kuala Lumpur (94, from 91), Shah Alam (97, from 94), Kajang (96, from 90), Port Klang (88, from 86) and Petaling Jaya (87, from 85). Such readings are considered ‘moderate’.
Overall, 33 areas recorded moderate API readings while three areas fall under the category of ‘good’.
API readings range from 0-50 (good), 51-100 (moderate), 101-200 (unhealthy) and 201-300 (very unhealthy). A reading above 300 is considered hazardous to human health.
The API readings are reviewed twice a day at 11am and 5pm.
KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Okt (Hrkh) - Eksekutif Koordinator, Gerakan Demokrasi dan Anti-Korupsi (Gerak), Badrul Hisham Shaharin, 28, menjadi kebanggaan golongan aktivis negara apabila terpilih sebagai Pelajar terbaik Gwangju Asian Human Right Folk School tahun 2006.
Badrul telah menyertai kursus khas mengenai hak asasi dan demokrasi selama hampir sebulan pada 3 hingga 24 September lalu di Universiti Katolik Gwangju yang dianjurkan oleh Yayasan May 18 Memorial.
Berikutan anugerah itu beliau telah ditawarkan oleh yayasan tersebut biasiswa penuh untuk melanjutkan pengajiannya dalam peringkat Profesional Master Degree dalam bidang Crisis and Management di Sungkonghoe University in Seoul mulai Februari depan.
Sejumlah 20 peserta yang terpilih seluruh Asia dipanggil ke Gwangju.
Gwangju adalah daerah berlakunya kebangkitan rakyat pada 18 Mei 1980 dan kini tempat itu menjadi tumpuan usaha memperkasakan hak asasi dan demokrasi.
Menceritakan pengalamannya di sana, Badrul yang juga Timbalan Ketua Penerangan Angkatan Muda KeADILan (AMK) berkata, di samping peserta mempelajari sejarah kebangkitan rakyat Korea, mereka juga didedahkan dengan pelbagai krisis dan usaha ke arah menyelesaikan krisis di rantau Asia dalam perbagai sesi perbincangan.
Selain pembelajaran secara kuliah oleh pensyarah yang didatangkan khas dari pelbagai negara di Asia, peserta juga diberi peluang melawat tempat tempat bersejarah di seluruh Korea.
Para peserta kemudiannya di bawa ke Joint Security Area (JSA), Panmunjeom (iaitu kawasan krisis yang paling kritikal di rantau tersebut) di mana ia adalah kawasan yang di bawah penguasaan bersama tentera Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan di bawah seliaan tentera Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB).
"Bangsa Korea ini kuat kerana ia mengangkat sejarah dalam masyarakat dan hidup bersama sejarah tersebut. Ini yang perlu kita contohi," katanya.
"Ramai tokoh yang dilabelkan pengganas semasa perjuangan menuntut demokrasi akhirnya diangkat dan diakui pengorbanan mereka malah dalam beberapa kes kerajaan memohon maaf atas kesilapan negara masa lalu, tetapi malangnya di Malaysia sendiri terlalu banyak fakta sejarah yang disembunyikan," kata Badrul. - lanh
KUALA LUMPUR, 2 Okt (Hrkh) - Dalam meneruskan perjuangan menobatkan keadilan di Malaysia, Angkatan Muda KeADILan Negeri Sembilan (AMKNS) tiada istilah rehat, kedatangan Ramadan kali ini menjadi wadah untuk memperhebatkan aktiviti mendekati rakyat dengan melancarkan kempen kesedaran sempena Ramahdan, kata Pengarah Kempen Ramadannya, Badrul Hisham Shahrim.
Menurutnya, AMKNS melihat, kesempitan hidup dalam keadaan ekonomi tidak menentu ketika ini menambah tekanan kepada hampir keseluruhan rakyat.
Kepedihan ini akan lebih terasa kepada mereka yang sememangnya mengalami kesukaran hidup sebelum ini, justeru sempena Ramadan ini AMKNS tidak akan melupakan golongan fakir di negeri bersendi adat perpatih ini, kata Badrul Hisham semasa memberi maklumat kepada Harakahdaily hari ini.
Dalam program yang dinamakan Jejak Fakir, 12 keluarga telah dipilih untuk diberi bantuan makanan dan kewangan sempena Ramadan, katanya.
Bermula pada 14 dan 15 Oktober, AMKNS akan mengadakan konvoi besar-besaran menuju kediaman lokasi keluarga tersebut untuk menyampaikan bantuan, ujarnya.
Bukan setakat menyampaikan bantuan malah AMKNS turut sedia mengadakan gotong royong membantu keluarga tersebut, katanya.
Lebih menarik katanya, antara keluarga yang turut di senarai menerima bantuan ialah daripada keluarga Tionghua dan India, malah ada antara mereka merupakan ahli dan menyokong Umno semenjak 30 tahun dahulu tetapi gagal mendapatkan sebarang bantuan, katanya.
Ini menunjukkan pendirian jelas KeADILan iaitu membantu sesiapa yang memerlukan tanpa mengira latar belakang, ujarnya.
Bantuan yang disampaikan adalah sumbangan orang ramai yang dikumpulkan. Sesiapa yang prihatin dan turut ingin membantu boleh menyalurkan bantuan dari segi kewangan mahupun barangan dengan menghubungi Azizi 012-369 6474 atau Amiruddin 012-3589872
Sementara itu Badrul Hisham juga memberitahu, dalam bulan yang mulia ini juga AMKNS akan melancarkan kempen kesedaran mengenai kepincangan pengurusan kewangan kerajaan negeri.
AMKNS akan mencetak risalah, poster dan sepanduk mendedahkan laporan Audit Negara (yang dibentangkan di Parlimen) mengenai pembaziran serta salah guna dana bantuan orang miskin oleh kerajaan negeri.
Dalam risalah itu, AMKNS antara lain akan mendedahkan wang sejumlah RM4.5 juta dari dana orang miskin telah digunakan hanya untuk mengubah suai kediaman rasmi MB yang baru sahaja siap.
Selain itu kata Badrul Hisham, risalah juga akan mendedahkan soal penggunaan wang sejumlah RM5.44 untuk membeli perabot Pejabat Daerah Port Dickson dan Seremban.
AMKNS amat kesal dengan pembaziran tersebut dalam keadaan di negeri ini terlalu banyak orang miskin yang sewajarnya dibantu menggunakan dana ini, katanya.
Rakyat negeri ini harus di beritahu perkara ini, justeru AMKNS akan menumpukan pengerdaran di masjid dan pasar Ramadan untuk menyebarkan makluman ini, kata Badrul Hisham. - lanh