Remember Altantuya....?

6th May is Altantuya Shariibuu’s 29th birthday. She should be happy celebrating her special day with her parents, family and friends. Unfortunately, she couldn’t celebrate this day as she was murdered brutally, on October 19, last year.

Below is a letter by her father Stev Shariibuu, translated by friends in Mongolia, in memory of his daughter on her birthday, and which I produce here verbatim:

Since the last point of a simple woman’s life, Mongolians have submitted a lot of letters and notes to Malaysians. Although, Malaysian government didn’t apologize and they have refused to do so.

Mongolians have felt despair for half a year when Malaysians defeat the enemy and made deeds of heroism.

Is there a word “SORRY” in Malaysian language! If not, it could be expressed by a similar word!

If Malaysian government doesn’t have the spirit to apologize, however Malaysian population had the spirit to apologize.

Can’t you express only a word as making charity for the SIN!

Malaysians! At Ms.Altantuya’s birthday, please pray once for the murdered Mongolian lady who was murdered by murderers in your country! Thank You................................... Ms.Shaariibu, Mongolia. 19.April, 2007